Chapter Twenty Six (Edited)

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 Hannah hadn't expected a warm welcome when she returned to the main house

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Hannah hadn't expected a warm welcome when she returned to the main house.

Her actions that morning had been impulsive and - in light of recent events - foolish, she admitted ruefully. As she trudged through the doors, Amara in tow, she braced herself for a lecture, a reprimand and at least one glare of disapproval from Sarah.

So, it came as something of a surprise when Sky just about bowled her over before she'd taken more than one step over the threshold. In fact, there was quite a crowd beyond the doorway, and multiple hands reached out to pull her inside and fuss over her damp, dishevelled state.

Amara must have alerted them through the pack link, Hannah realized. She gazed in amazement at more people than she ever thought would notice her absence and tears welled up in her eyes. Every corner seemed to be filled with pack-members, all talking over each other. A myriad of different voices all clammering at once to ask if she was ok and scold her for worrying them.

Her identity was shrouded in mystery. Her family nothing more than silhouettes on the edges of her memory. But here stood the evidence that this pack had embraced her as their own - that someone out there did care what became of her. The revelation was profound and somewhat overwhelming. Hannah choked back a small sob.

Alex, his usually easy-going face taught with worry, let out an audible exhalation of breath at the sight of Hannah walking unharmed through the front door. He patted her on the shoulder awkwardly, the weight of his hand making her knees tremble, then wasted no time pulling Amara off to one side to question her about the Rouge at the lake.

Emerging from the milling crowd, and as stoic as always, Doc took charge of the chaos.

He called for hot baths to be run for both girls, muttering to himself about autumn chills. Several of the gathered Omegas rushed off to follow his instructions, chattering excitedly amongst themselves. They discarded coats and hats as they scurried about; It looked as though they'd been organising a search party.

Hannah watched them through tired eyes.

The faint smell of damp wolf lingered about the room - more than one of them must have been on four paws this morning. She wanted to thank them, express some form of gratitude for everything they'd done for her, but her brain simply wouldn't cooperate and find the energy to summon up a suitable reply.

Doc pushed his way over to her. Quickly and efficiently, he set about checking his bemused patient for any sign of injury, whilst Jenni – furious that her friend had wandered off by herself in the fog –  set about attempting to strip Hannah of her clothing, berating her as she worked.

Their valiant efforts were inhibited somewhat by Sky - who remained plastered to Hannah's side, asking a thousand and one questions in quick succession. She paused only long enough to move an arm out of the way so Jenni could continue removing layers of clothing around her.

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