chapter 1

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There he was.
That guy.
The one guy Ted has ever felt his heart start racing, of course he made him blush.
But why?
Why did his perfect smile make Ted want to kiss him until his lips turned blue?
Why did his soft hair make Ted imagine the future?
Ted running his hands through it as they lay on the sofa watching some awful tv show, gently planting kisses on his forehead as he slowly falls asleep.
In fact, that image was the first thing Ted saw when they first met.

"Ted, this is Henry. Henry, this is Ted. I need to find Paul" Before another word was said, Emma had run off.
Ted looked up and he knew something was different. Henry.
Why the fuck were these butterflies filling Ted, why was he feeling about Henry differently to everyone else. Even different to Charlotte, not completely different, but this time it was better.
"Uh, Ted? Are you ok?" He had a deep voice that Ted could've melted at in that instant, instead he reacted the opposite.
"I'm fine, just pretend I don't exist."
And he turned away. And he had never regretted anything more than that. Never.

April 2nd, today. Biology, the only class Ted has with Henry. Henry sits at the front, Ted sits behind him. Today is going to be different.
"HEY TED, CAN EMMA BORROW A PENCIL" Paul shouts from across the room, Paul Matthews is in love with Emma, and he won't shut up about it. Even the baristas in Starbucks ask about it.
"I don't have one sorry."
And that's when he hears it.
"Oh I do, here, Ted pass it to Paul" Ted feels as though he will pass out, Henry and him touched. Even though it was only short. And there it was.
The other constant thought.

Ted standing in the kitchen, and he feels arms wrap around him from behind, a gentle kiss planted on his cheek. The small hum of Henry singing his latest favourite song. Turning around he looks into Henrys eyes, and leans forward.

He actually leant forward, but wait, did he imagine that. Or was Henry blushing? Before he knew Henry had turned back around. And that was it.

Or was it?

oh how you make my heart blossom,
oh how your smile makes me forget every worry i have ever faced,
oh how you mean so much to me and i mean nothing to you.

All Ted could think about for the next three days was that moment, why did Henry react like that?
Was he overthinking it?
Who cares.
Ted decides today, he is going to make the effort to change it. As much as he can.

There he is, Henry Hidgens, slightly rocking his head in time with his music. He has never looked more calm, perfect.
"Henry" Ted says lightly tapping his shoulder

"Uh yea-" he initially sounded frustrated, but cut himself off and turned crimson.
Henry grabbed Ted, whirled him round and kissed him.
"Ted I'm in love with you and have been ever since day one. I've never felt like this before and you're the only person I can see a future with."
He didn't really say that.
Neither did Ted.
Instead, he stood there, and stared into his ocean blue eyes, and felt his cheeks burn.
"Can you help me with my biology."
That's better than nothing right?

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