chapter 6

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*teds pov*

That knock on the door completely killed the mood.
It better be important.

I walk up to the door and Henry stands behind me, his head on my shoulder.
I open the door. A blonde girl, blue eyes, is stood there.
"Uh, Hi! I was told Henry Hidgens lived here, I'm Sally Grindfell!"
The arms around me tighten, Sally? That name rings a bell.
She looks down and stands back a bit,
"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't realise you and your girlfri-"
Her eyes widen,
"Sorry I shouldn't have assumed.."
I smile, she seems sweet, but really now was not a good time.
"Do you know where Henry lives? Sorry if he doesn't live near here now but it'd be great"
She continued to waffle and I felt Ree breathe heavily, he whispered into my ear,
"Please tell her I've moved, please Teddy"
He seemed desperate, so that's what I did.
"I'm sorry for interrupting uh, whatever was happening?"
She waved, turned around and left.

I shut the door, "phew," I looked at him, I could've asked who she was, but my mood was back in the previous one, wiggling my eyebrows i sighed and then said, "so...?"
"Oh for once Teddy, stop being such a horny bastard!"
"Excuse me, you're the one who can never take his hands off me, especially my legs and my neck and my-"
He cut me off with a kiss, all I was gonna say was my back, sensitive spots you know?

"Fine, I'll go, and live my life with no affection from my boyfriend..."
I dramatically fell onto the sofa and lay there, like a medieval woman who had fainted at the sight of a rat.
Which sounds weirdly specific but there was a film we watched once, and ever since then we constantly do that to wind each other up.
Whiny voice made a comeback, "All I want is cuddles and kisses but I can't even get that!"
He lay on his stomach, on the floor.

Man, he is fucking weird. But yet, it's still something that makes me fall for him all over again.

I went and lay on my stomach next to him. I looked him in the eyes, and then decided what I wanted to do next.

I said,
"What? What're you on Teddy?"

"I said stand."
He blushed a bit but followed my instructions,

"Ree, teach me how to dance"
I want to be able to move my hips like he can move his, that way I'll be as irresistible as he is.
"Ted you absolute dingus, I can't teach you to dance!"
"What why not?"
"Because then you'll be as irresistible as I am, and I won't be able to handle that now will I?"
Can he read minds?
I must've made a face because then he goes,
"You said it out loud."
Ted, you noodle, why are you like this.

Somehow, we'd forgotten his shirt was off, and forgotten my belt was undone.
He pulled my belt off which somehow pulled me towards him, this time he seemed to be in charge. Which I didn't mind, but I wasn't completely happy about...

Nothing with anyone has ever felt like this, this amazing, before.
Even Henry, until today.
That barrier was built to hide how I felt, everytime I cared what people said it built higher and higher. Now I was done with that, the barrier had crumbled into dust, and I saw him.
As I had that very first day.
Only this time, it wasn't part of my imagination, it was real.

Something in him changed, in a good way.
He was less shy and resistant. Instead he started to move my hands where he wanted.

*henrys pov*

Theatre Studies, my secret favourite subject.
I always act like it's such an effort, but really I can't think of a better use of my time.

"Spotlight!" Miss Jay shouts out, in a sing song tone.
We were practising my solo scene, the class is only small so we are doing Falsettos.
I'm Whizzer.
I love this musical.

crushing.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें