chapter 14

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This room smells exactly the same as his old apartment.
The one I sat in the very first time we kissed.
I'm pretty sure this is the same leather sofa he had back then, it feels the same.
I would love to redo that night again.
I feel like I am.
I'm just as nervous as I was that night.
He obviously had been shirtless when I knocked on the door as his tshirt was twisted weirdly.
I remember that smirk I always saw on his face.
I haven't seen that in a long time.

Idiot, just say to him you've tried and you're not moving as fast as you want to.
Tell him how you just want him to be happy, and not feel stressed.
Tell him you think he deserves someone better.
Just tell him.
"Hey, shush, the fact you've tried shows me that we can try and move on. End up as better people. I'm proud of you."
I can feel my eyes start to sting, I don't know why I'm getting so worked up over it.
He just wants me to be happier, he cares so much.
Like how Mark and Leighton claimed to, they left.
What if he leaves like they did?
No, Henry you've gone over this a million times, Ted treats you better than they ever would've. But they were your best friends.
Shouldn't they have stuck with you through everything?
They obviously weren't good friends, plus Ted isn't a friend is he?
Slowly he pulled me into a hug, he seemed nervous to hug me but I relaxed myself into him so he'd relax holding me.
God I've missed him.

When he held my hand, it felt as though mine were ice and he was warming them up. They're rougher than usual, definitely, but I don't really mind. Maybe he's been working out recently, his arms did seem stronger and it was nice. A secure space in his arms.
Oh Ted Richards, I am in love with you.
I wouldn't change that for anything.

"Dance with me?"
Holding his hand out he pulled me up.
I didn't expect him to, but he grabs my legs and throws me over his shoulder.
Definitely been to the gym.
I couldn't stop myself laughing, I was hitting his back as we ran up the stairs.
Jesus christ Ted how often have you been going to the gym, I'm not mad at it.
He threw me onto the bed and I got a bit too flustered.
Still not the smoothest person though, he falls on top of me,
"Ah fuck that was supposed to be more romantic? Passionate? You know what I mean"
I laughed and he rolled off me breathless.
"You alright Ted?"
"I mean yeah, but like, I've been working out loads," I can tell, "but yet I'm still breathless."
"You're very red." I placed my hands on his face and looked into his eyes, god his eyes.
"I don't know why I'm so breathless, maybe it's you that's taken my breath away. It's definitely you."
Oh my, I feel my cheeks burn and I sort of move closer to him, we're both lying next to each other on his bed. It's soft. I rub his cheek and pull him towards me.
Our lips lightly touch at first, his lips don't have that chapstick on, the shea one, but yet they're still so soft. It was short, but nice.
I needed it.
We sit up, and he kisses me again, a little stronger than before. He pulls me on top of him and starts to kiss at my neck. Sensitive spots.
For some reason my hands won't warm up, which is great to make Teds sensitive spot just a little more sensitive. I move my hands down his back until I feel him stop kissing my neck, there we go.
"Ree stop! You know what that does to me!"
"Oh my Ted, I totally didn't know!"
"I can't believe this" he shook his head
"You better believe it..." I replied in a weirdly low voice which made us laugh.
In return he let go of me when I leant back and I fell off the bed.
"Thanks for keeping me safe Ted" Sarcasm. He knows what that is right?
My loveable idiot.

After a while we return back downstairs, Ted.
Oh Ted Richards. I wonder if he has a middle name.
"Ted what's your middle name?"
"Don't have one, I'm just Theodore Richards"
Theodore? That makes him sound classy.
I like it.
"Theodore??? That's the cutest name!"
"Don't call me that, I prefer Tedrick over Theodore. Thank you very much Professor Henry Hidgens..."
Oh my heart flutters.
The way he says it, can you believe I could fall more in love because I didn't even know I could.
"Not yet Theodore"
I like winding him up.
"Prof could you help me with a problem?"
Obviously this was now a competition.
"Of course Theodore, what would you like me to assist you with?"
He points down and when I look at him he raises his brows,
"It's a bit of an issue Prof..."
"Contain yourself next time."
That didn't last long.

"Touch starved by any chance Ree?"
"No of course not!"
He nodded, obviously knows I am.
We are sat on the ugly leather sofa, but it's the comfiest thing I've ever sat on.
We had been flicking through channels, deciding on what to watch.
When we go to click netflix, Hatchetfield News comes on.
"Recent reports have seen multiple people, between the ages of 16-26 mindlessly walk into large bodies of water. One onlooker says they tried to stop their friend but it was as if they were a mindless zombie, their friend had been acting differently all that day."
"The most recent identified body was of Dylan Rossi, 26 years old. His sister had reported him missing hours before his body was found, she said that his eyes pupils had turned a blue tinge. Authorities have assured us that everything will be ok, and to continue acting normal, it will be returning to before shortly."
They were so emotionless.
It was like Greg and Stu.
I feel my chest become heavier.
Breathing is uneven.
I can't breathe.
No no no no no no.
Not again.
I lost Greg and Stu, and now Dylan.
Greg and Stu's pupils had become blue. Their lips as well. And their mouths.
No no no no no no.
Words won't come out my mouth.
He started to notice me shaking and I see the panic in his eyes.
"Henry count to 10"
He's trying.
He runs upstairs, and I can hear him fumbling around.
We aren't at mine so I can't even grab Puddles.
I'm gonna be sick I can't stop shaking.
Ted rushes to me, handing one of my old hoodies.
It smells like him.
I bury my face into it.
Ted doesn't touch me.
Thank god.
I'm crying but at least I'm breathing properly.

Please tell me this isn't happening again.

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