chapter 5

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The next few days were calm.
I was the only one who'd leave the house.
Emma and Paul noticed we weren't going to class, and dropped off groceries once.
Only Emma came in, Henry could only bear to see her out of everyone.
It was pretty quiet in the house, but I wasn't going to leave him on his own for long.
Fucking rent.
For the apartment I barely live in anymore.
He looks up from the book he's been reading all week. He's read it twice.
"I just need to pay my rent, I won't be long. I'll grab a take out, chinese or pizza?"
"Ted, why don't you move in? To my house!"
Hopeful blue eyes, and I realise how much of a loser I am for him.
"Sure, but I have to give a months notice so I'll pay this months and give my notice as well! But Ree, chinese or pizza?"
He smiles, and pizza it is.
Better than my shitty food.

1 month later Henry and I are officially together, living together now.
My pretty boy.
He's doing better, and whenever he has a bad day, I go to his classes, collect the work, and then we stay home until he's ok.

I can't have people know.
I have never met anyone as beautiful as him, as elegant, as perfect as him.
But, I can't have people knowing about us.
I'm not embarrassed of him, however I feel as though I have to keep up my asshole personality.
Which sounds weird.
But I can't have people seeing me like this, only my close friends.

I think Henry doesn't want people to know either.
After people knew about Chad.
I think he's scared it'll happen again.

We respect each other. And what happens between us, stays between us.

Our close friends have seen slightly drunk us, and they always say that we're happiest then.
When we aren't arguing but not sober.
Emma is the worst out of everyone for it.
There's so many cheesey photos of us. That I think are gross but Henry loves them.
His favourite one of us is this one where Ree has his legs wrapped around me and my head buried in his shoulders clutching him like I never want to let go (I never want to let go of him), infact it's his phone lock screen.
But the photo literally taken straight after shows us on the floor laughing because I fell over.

That ones my lock screen background, his smile in it is the only picture I have of that smile.
My home screen is a stupid selfie we took one day, when I say we I mean Henry. I was passed out on the sofa and he thought I looked cute, but being like a grandpa he took the selfie wrong and it makes me laugh.

Everytime we see Emma and Paul, I can tell Paul pines after her more and more and sometimes he looks like he may be hurting over it. But then I see how Emma looks at him and her eyes go soft and for some reason, neither of them will make the first move.
Bill and I are friends now, and so are him and Emma. One time we were all watching a film and she passed out on Bill. Pauls eyes were burning Bills neck, and he stood up and left.
When Emma woke she looked hurt that he'd gone without her. And yet just said they were close friends.
"Sure Em, sure you are... You totally aren't constantly talking about him..." I was obviously joking, but it struck a nerve,
"At least I'm not ashamed of the guy I like!"
For fucks sake Emma, you really had to go there.
"That's none of your business Emma."
"It's as if you're bored, and Charlotte couldn't move her hips well enough..."
"Emma seriously quit it."
I look at Henry and he looks anxious.
"I'm surprised he can trust someone like you-"
"I'm not surprised Paul won't ask you out!"
"Yeah well Henry knows he deserve better than a sleaze ball like you, you're just taking advantage of him like you did of Charlotte!"
"Fucking mention Charlotte one more time-"
I didn't hear what she said, but I went to him and then he stood up and left the room. He ignored me the rest of the night.
"Guys can we finish the film? Please!" Bill says trying to prevent an argument.
"I'm gonna go, I'll see you tomorrow Bill."
She left.
"Well, that didn't end as I expected!!" Said Bill after the film ended, I'm not sure whether he was talking about Emma and me or the actual film.
I slept on the couch, when I say slept.
I mean lay on the couch.
A sleepless night.
What am I afraid of?
Why don't I tell people about Henry?
Is Emma right?

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