chapter 17

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Bill and Paul have gone to try and get resources. We hope they'll all be ok.
Me, Charlotte, and Emma stayed at the house, she was helping Henry in the lab.

"How's Sam?" That man, Charlotte deserves so much better.
She saw him yesterday.
"Odd, he had a small ring of blue around his nose. It was weird."
Sam had insisted he stay home but I wouldn't let Charlotte stay. Too dangerous.
"Right, you didn't take anything he gave you?"
She doesn't know why we're here, just that outside was unsafe, I don't want to stress her.
Old habits come back, such as smoking. My least favourite habit of hers.
"Why would I do that?"
"Oh I don't know Charlotte, maybe for the same reason you two went to counselling!"
I shouldn't of said that, but the idea of them two, it pisses me off. So much.
"I love him, I just want it to work..."
"But he's a shit guy, he doesn't treat you well Charlotte."
"You act as though you treated me much better!"
I need to go before I say anything worse.
She sat there, staring out of the window.
I turned and left.
Where's Henry?
Where is this lab?
"Ted? TED oh god somethings wrong" Emma flew into me, she dragged me along.
Pressing a button I'd never noticed before, a wall opened and I finally knew where the lab was.
"What's happened?? Is Henry ok?"
I saw him.
Curled in the corner.
And he turned to me. It wasn't Henry.
His ocean blue eyes, they were now almost glowing as they stared at me. There was a definite blue sheen on his skin.
What the hell has he done?
My instant reaction was to hold him (Henry come back), but part of me stopped moving (Henrys not here). That part over powered.
"Emma what the fuck, you've been with him all day?"
"Not all day, I went to grab food and as I came back he began to act differently."
I don't know if he could hear us.
Slowly he stood from the ground, he became so much taller.
No no no no not my Henry.
"Get me out." His voice was the same. But there was a tinge of something in his voice, it was like he was trying to force himself to stop talking but couldn't.
Slam, his hands slam on the wall.
"Henry? Henry stop! HENRY"
Slam. Slam. Slam. He won't stop hitting the wall.
And then, as though he'd just realised we were there, his face became a horrifying smile. It seemed to reach into my soul, as if it knows how much I'm hurt seeing Henry like this.
He's back.
"Henry?" He smiled normally.
Thank god.
"Teddy! I'm sorry, I don't know what happened."
He pulls me towards him and goes to kiss me.
"TED" The shock pulled me away.
"Ted that's not Henry."
And then I realised it wasn't.
The glow never left, his eyes almost seemed to become a point. Piercing into me.
But as he was so close to me I could see there was still a part of Henry left.
He shot his gaze at Emma, who then pushed me out of the way.
"Teddy leave us."
Now I was on the floor.
He started going towards Emma, there was a sense of violence in his step, but I knew my Henry was still there as he still moved as though the wind (which there was none of in this lab) was moving him along.
It hurts me to think I might never get to kiss him again.
But I'd rather save Emma and Charlotte than the man I loved. The man I love.
The closest thing to me was a metal pole, god. This would take all my energy.
Henry picked Emma up as if to throw her, she covered her ears like a young child during a haunted house.
"Ted tell Paul I love him.
"Teddy, tell her to be quiet!"
I hit him over the head.
And immediately burst into an ugly sob as I saw his body fall to the floor.
Emma pulled me back and hugged me, obviously she was grateful I saved her, however the fact she's never liked me made it uncomfortable.
My hands became icy and so did my face.
No hug would ever be like Henrys.
His soft hands cupping my face, and the way he curled into me even though he was a bit bigger, the way he would lightly snore after falling into a sleep.
These thoughts only caused me to cry more.
A shiver went down my spine.
"Ted we need to go-"
"Leave me Emma, make sure Charlottes ok, right now I need to be alone." Alone but with Henry.
I slowly rubbed my hands through his hair, he was completely still.
Did his chest move?
Probably not.
It happens with grief.

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