chapter 22

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"Right Ted get your ass over here."
Emma seemed to be in a mood even though she asked me to come over.
"The attitude isn't appreciated Emma."
She rolled her eyes.
God you'd think I'd forced her to speak to me.
"We need to talk."
"About what?"
"We have been living together for a long time, and I know almost nothing."
Right ok...
"Well I know you dislike me and that's not all I need to know."
She rolled her eyes,
"Just answer my questions."

"Favourite colour?"
"Blue," It's only because it reminds me of Henry,
"Or green I guess. I also like orange."
"Who the hell likes orange Ted?"
"Hey don't even."
I think it's a nice colour.
"Emma is this gonna be mundane or not?"
She shrugs, "I don't know is it?"
I turn to leave.

"Are you in love with Henry?"
"That escalated quickly!"
Shit. I've never told anyone that. Change the subject.
Uh think of something.
"Don't try and change the subject dingus. I need an answer."
"Why Emma?"
She sighed and her unkind glare at me softened.
"Ted, I'm not going to lie. You know when you knocked his 'infected' self out," I nodded, what is she on about? "And you told me to leave, well. As I was walking out, I heard you muttering. To yourself."
"I heard you tell him you love him."
There was definitely panic in my voice.
I hate people seeing me be vulnerable.
"He heard you as well."
Shit shit shit shit shit shit.

That's what he wanted to tell me.
Why didn't he?
"I'll see you later Em."
I've never called her that before and she seemed a bit thrown off that I had said it.
So was I.
"Wait Ted. The problem is. Henry is scared that you only said it in grief."
"Why would he think that?"
"Because... I don't actually know why. I just know that he knows that people say things they don't mean in grief. Y'know, after Greg and Stu shit."
Everything makes so much more sense.
That's why I'd see him in the corner of my eye studying me.
Sometimes his mouth would part as though he would speak but shut and form a wry smile instead.
When we lay in bed, occasionally I would hear him whisper my name, as though he was scared. I always pretended I was asleep, just incase he wouldn't finish what he was going to say. And yet, he never finished his sentences.
Was that what he has been thinking?

"Yes I do."
"I think you should tell him. Before he goes crazy..."
She began to leave, before turning to me and going,
"Don't be an asshole about it."
"Rude!" I answered back.
When do I do it?
Doing it now after he so obviously saw me walk into a room with her.
She could've been more subtle.
"Ted you're on dinner duty." Paul said, he had his arm rested around Emma.
Was she asleep?
"Henry, do you mind if you help me?"
"Un moment mon amour."
What does that mean?
I'm not being funny but he's started saying random things in different languages. I can't tell what language and I assume it's french but, anyway.
He's been so engrossed with this book.
I loitered behind him, and looked over his shoulder. It read;
"This surely, then.' His hand moved across the muscles of my chest; my skin warmed beneath it.'
I was not expecting that.
I watched him shut the book, hold it close to his chest with his eyes shut.

He followed me into the kitchen, shutting the door.
"I didn't realise you were into reading erotica Henry!"
I place my hands on his lower, uh, back.
Okay, maybe a bit further down than that.
He stops, to which I push myself slightly more into him from behind.
He is obviously enjoying the build up, so am I. Thank god he's been reading that book.
I have to remind myself,
you brought him in here for a reason.
Not that reason, Paul would be able to walk in any moment.
Which kinda adds to the thrill of it.
Get back on track Ted, ya horny bastard.
Sometimes when I think things like that, I can almost hear Char saying them.
I pour water into the pot, and start to watch it boil, before adding the spaghetti.
This won't take long.

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