chapter 24

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"Emma, Paul, turn that film off."
I had a Henry limply hung over my shoulder and I could feel him laughing.
God what a sweetheart.
Emma and Paul laughed at us, and I noticed Emma try to take one of those sneak photos she takes.
That's going to be my new background.
As long as you can see his smile.

I flung him onto the sofa and kissed him before I moved to the spot where there used to be a coffee table (me and Henry broke it uh-) and started spinning around in a circle.
"We are going tomorrow! Out of Hatchetfield! And I know we're all scared but, there's no point living our last day here in fear."
Everyone seemed unsure but Henry sprung off the sofa,
"Emma maybe don't have too much, but I don't think one night will cause any harm! I think Teds right."
"Wow you agreeing with me, rare!"

"Alexa! Play Henrys playlist!"
That's an embarrassing name, but I don't care anymore.
It has songs that remind me of him, so basically any love song and Mamma Mia.

We're all absolutely wasted.
"Em I think we should dance!"
I feel like in the past few days me and Emma have been getting closer, so I hold my hand out,
"Why Tedrick I accept!"
We danced and I flung her around. It's funny dancing with someone much smaller than you. I haven't done it since.
Since I went to those clubs in Clivesdale.
That was a bad time of my life.
I kinda gave up.
Paul and Henry decided to dance, it was funny since Paul 'hates' musicals and Henry loves them. Henry seemed to be teaching Paul choreo and Paul was drinking it all up. He really tries to act like he hates it but we all know he loves them.
During 'Does Your Mother Know' I picked Emma up and threw her up in the air. We were singing it to each other, completely mockingly. She's funny when she's not being a bitch.
"And I could chat with you baby,
Flirt a little maybe"
She laughed and I spun her around until she nearly fell over.
She kisses my cheek at the end, I hold it in fake shock. Henry laughs, and Paul looks livid.
I partly enjoy pissing him off.

"I wasn't jealous before we met,"
I point at Henry, and shimmy over to him, pulling him out of Pauls grasp.
"Now every man I see is a potential threat,"
I did the movement of 'i'm watching you' at Paul.
He laughs and the tension in his stance left.
Me and Henry dance and kiss and so on.
Paul and Emma did the same.
For a moment I forgot about everything that's happened.
This is our song.

"Don't go wasting your emotion,"
I slide behind him and hold his waist.
"Lay all your love on me."
I move my hands over his chest.
Like that book.
He laughs and spins me to the other side of him.
I pick him up, and he wraps his legs around me and laughs. I lean forward so he's nearly upside down, I mean I'm not completely out of it, he is. Such a lightweight.
I nearly fall but I manage to get back up.
The song ends and I put him down again, and pull him towards me.
I kiss him, one hand on his waist the other on his face, and he kisses me back, one hand on the one on his face, other around my neck.
I felt him smirk.
Our first kiss was exactly like that.
Except his lips taste like something?
"Are you wearing my lip balm?"
"Would you have an issue if I was?"
We are so close, I actually forgot that Emma and Paul were in the room.

The aggressive Mom in Emma really leaped out in that moment.
"Shut up Perkins."
I swear it's always Emma or Paul that interrupt us.

"Oh Paulikins!!! Your turn!!!"
"I'll pass Tediboo!!"
I wink a him and on cue 'Money, Money, Money" comes on.
We both work in the same place.
We both did Maths in college.

"Money money money, must be funny, in a rich mans world."
He really got into it.
I managed to feed him even more alcohol.
Ree and Emma were already out of it, and they hadn't even had as much as me and Paul.
About 30 mins ago they've been asleep, the fun never stopped.
Before they collapsed on the sofa, they were such giggly messes. Drunk Henry is my favourite Henry, it's when excitable and easier Henry comes out. He becomes extra flirtatious which is fantastic for me.
Paul and I finally decide to call it quits after an hour of us just singing along and chatting.
"One More Shot."
We both said that maybe 4 more times.

"We can't leave them here can we."
"Definitely not."
Emma had fallen asleep on top of Henry, so I helped Paul pry her off him. She was clung to him.
And I picked my pretty boy up.
Marriage way you know?
We both stumbled up the stairs, and parted our separate ways.

I placed him on the bed, tried to take his jumper off (and failed) but I got his trousers on. I brushed his hair out of his face, tying it with a hair bobble he keeps next to his bed for when he reads. He started wearing makeup, I've told him he doesn't need to, but he really does look cute with the extra blush and the slight shimmer and his lashes were pretty without the eyelash thing but yet he still insists. Sometimes he wears this lipgloss that makes his lips look really pretty and shiny but it makes my lips fizz so I don't like it. I do not fully know how to take it off but I know theres wipes, and I try to take it off but it makes his face go blotchy.
He starts rub his eyes, I really hope I haven't woken him.
He weakly tries to pull me in his sleep and I want to just cuddle him but I need to get changed.
However when I finally am changed, I slip under the covers and it's as though I'm a magnet.
Instantly his head is on my chest, and he's cuddling me.

Can you believe I'm cuddling an actual angel?
I can't.
He's the most perfect person, even asleep.
I don't think I will ever feel more at peace than I do with him.
As much as I would've loved things to end up like they usually do when we usually get drunk, this is new and nice. Cuddling him was nice.
But really really warm.
Warm is the wrong word, boiling more like.
I'd never complain to him about it though.
It is nice to wake up in the morning to him cuddling me.

Nooooo don't move away.
He rolls off me and I realise how cold it actually is in here, so I decide to be the big spoon.
Like usual.

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