chapter 11

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Two weeks later and I haven't even heard from Ted.
It's probably weird that I'm worried about it but I am.

I don't know if he somehow can read my mind from somewhere a walking distance away. But just as I go to call him he rings my doorbell.
"Henry, are you in?"
"Yes! I am!" I almost sprinted to the door but I didn't want to open the door red.
"How did the show go?"
"Great actually!! Everyone remembered the choreo and singing the harmonies in the right place which really kept me up at night!! Haha"
Stop being so awkward.
Actually, Ted probably doesn't care.
"I came on opening night, and they were all really good!! The whole thing must've been an absolute stress, I don't know how you handled them all! Talent!"
He bowed, okay Ted, continue flattering me and making me want to kiss you.
"Did you come here just to compliment me? Or for another reason?"
I hope it's for another reason.
"Just to compliment you, as if you don't get enough already" He winked.
Oh Ted I can't believe you.
Kiss me.
I pulled him into the living room and once he sat on the sofa, I lay on top of him.
"I've missed this." He said, tracing my legs like he always used to.
"So have I."

While we watch tv Ted seemed to be so deeply in thought, it was as if he would never come out of it again.
After a while, I wanted to ask him a few questions.
What better name than the one I accidentally said drunk,

*teds pov*

Kiss me.
I leant into him, and pulled myself back.
We were just sat on the couch and I couldn't get this thought out of my head.

"Ted, remember how we met in biology class?"
"Uh, yeah?"
Where is he going with this?
"Well, the community college, they uh, they have a new open spot. For someone to be a professor there."
"Oh cool, but like, what're you tryna say?"
"I just, I love theatre and performing," and you're amazing, honestly amazing, "but I think I want to go for the position..."
He sounded so unsure, was he worried I wouldn't still be proud of him?
"Oh Henry!!! That would be amazing!!!"
I make sure to smile so he knows I'll be happy for him whenever.
He sort of slightly nodded and smiled a small smile, he sighed before laughing to himself.
He is adorable.
"Imagine me, Professor Hidgens, I couldn't even begin to imagine being called that."
When he said that, shivers were sent down my spine.

This thought become so vivid. I was picturing it over and over.

"Off!" I said, rolling him off me.
I stood up and walked around the sofa.
"What the fuck" he muttered as I circled the couch for the third time in seconds.
"What are you doing?"
"Stand pillow prince."
Why did I say that? I know why. But it's true, at least, it would've been three years ago.
"Today, Henry, we're playing by my rules," He stood up and looked a bit shocked, I wanted to say "It's been by your rules for the past three years."
But I didn't want to upset him.

The circling had nothing to do with it, but I just wanted to confuse him.
Which I succeeded in.
I got really close up to him, and he leant into me, I pressed my hands up against his face.
And just as I could see the desperation in his face,
I kissed his cheek.
"Make the move yourself next time, pretty boy."
"I thought we were playing by your rules!" He said defensively,
"Well," I whispered, "I thought you liked challenging me?"
I've got him just where I want him.

He grabbed me and just as his lips came close to mine, I swerved my head to the side and so his lips only pressed my cheek for a split second.
He stands back slightly but I pull him towards me and he stumbles.
I pick him up, bridal style like I always used to, and once he seems securely gripped round my neck I just let my hands and arms drop. He must've expected it since he pulled me down with him in such a way that seems as though it'd been planned months in advance, we both land on the floor.
His arms still round my neck, gives him some form of power over me, he throws me so our positions are reversed.
This time he's leaning over me.
"Kiss me you... you noodle!"
"I don't think so!" I know why I'm resisting it so much, he's going to have to want me as much as I have wanted him the past three years. However, I won't make him wait 3 years, maybe 3 minutes.
He gasped and fell onto my chest.
"Ted you're really torturing me," I flung him over so I was on top again, "And I can tell it's torturing you as well..."
He began to pull my shirt and trace his fingers up my back.
And he calls me the horny bastard.

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