chapter 7

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Henry and Emma looked distressed, and when Paul stood up I could see Emma's face completely change.
"Bill follow me."

We went up to Paul and he looked over to Emma but her and Henry turned and left.
Henry always cared about Emma, it's so cute.

"I see you and Sally Grinfell have been together all day..." I said, he looked shocked that I knew her name, "She was on my doorstep looking for Ree, I mean Henry"
"Now you guys have pet names? You really are soft Ted." Bill smiled as he said it, he acts as though he was being annoying but he's always loved when we're coupley,

"Emma hasn't spoken to me, I don't know what I've done, I feel lost without her, it's weird?"
Try dealing with that for 2 months.

The first day may feel the worse but it gets worse as the days go. And then it turns into a month. And then 2 months.
"Change it while you can."

I walked off.
The bell for the end of lunch had gone and now I had one free and then business.
This free was always when I'd go and watch Henry in Theatre, and so I would today.

I entered the theatre and sat in my usual spot at the back.
Miss Jay doesn't usually mind me being there, but I don't want to be a nuisance so I sit at the back.

Emma and Henry were sat on the stage, I'm assuming they had done the doctor scene just before lunch as all the equipment was on stage.
I'm pretty sure the musical is Forksets, but I've not watched the full thing so I'm not really sure.
I get super jealous whenever Corey (playing Marv?) nearly kisses Henry in one of the songs. They're always really close in scenes together and it makes my blood boil. But hell, Henrys so goddamn talented.

But I know Emma's not in Theatre studies, she has a free like me, Business next.
So her and Henry sat on the stage is odd. They're whispering so I can't hear what he's saying, but she's a little louder.

She is obviously angry, he keeps shushing her incase someone walks in.
But she starts punching the floor, and Henry starts to panic but honestly Emma won't be hurting herself.
I do it when I'm frustrated.

"Hey Emma, Pauls looking for you"
I say jumping onto the stage,
"Fucks sake why?"
"I don't know, come with me thanks."
Henry looks at me and and I sort of mouth 'Sally' to which he rolls his eyes.

Now to find Paul, what did he have?
Chemistry? No he hates that.
Physics? Nah, to mathsy, he hates maths.

"He's in English" Emma says, I think she noticed my mindless wonder.
We knock on the door of Mr Blims class, luckily he was late like usual, Paul was sat there, talking to Charlotte.
Obviously ranting about Sam, like usual.
She huffed when I said,
"Uh Paul I need to talk to you now!" He looked a bit worried, but when he stepped outside he looked relieved.
Emma was stood there, arms crossed, looking down at the ground.

"Emma! Thank god! I've missed you today!"
She ignored him, so he went to place his hand on her shoulder,
"Em? Are you ok? You haven't said much since this morning..."
"How could I when Sally's been grabbing you all day?"
He shakes his head and then Henry tells me we should leave them.

"I'll see you in business Emma I-"
"Ted!" Henry hissed, he wanted me to shut up.

"Do you think they'll be ok?" I don't want Emma and Paul to be like me and avoid each other.
I know Emma gets hotheaded, from experience.

"I don't think it'll last more than today, infact, look!" He twists me round.
Paul pulls Emma into a hug and the height difference really plays in that moment.
She looks like a small child.
Especially with her massive backpack on her back.
I thought she was crying but then I realised that she was laughing when they pulled apart because she covered her mouth with her hand.

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