Chapter 2: The Newcomers

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Rapunzel's POV

I woke up the next morning and groaned. Today was the day the boys were merging with us. Minnie had gotten a call late last night, and she had found out that the boys would be able to merge today. I rolled out of my bed and onto the floor with a 'thump' and stayed there for a few seconds before getting up and opening my shades. It was of course a sunny day, it completely contrasted from my mood. After I had taken a shower, changed into a hoodie and shorts, and had tied my hair into a ponytail, I grabbed my navy blue TOMS, and left my room. I decsended the stairs and went towards the kitchen to see Merida shoving her face with the ENTIRE box of Fruit Loops

"MERIDA, those are MINE!!!" I yelled, and tried to get the box out of her hands, but she had already poured the last few into her bowl and was already devouring them.

"You snooze, you lose" She said smirking. I mumbled words under my breath and went to the cereal cabinet and decided on Corn Flakes instead.

"Why'd you take all the Fruit Loops?" I whined

"Tiana told me that four boys are coming to live in the common room with us, and they cannot have my favorite cereal" Merida explained

"They're my favorite too" I said like a four-year-old. Merida was about to reply, but Elsa and Anna came down the stairs at that moment.

"Guys, Tiana said we have to be down in the lobby at nine and we have five minutes" Elsa said

"Well, leet's go!" Anna said happily. Merida and I put our dishes in the sink, and followed Anna and Elsa out the door and down three flights of stairs. When we got to the lobby, we found that a bunch of girls were already there, waiting for the white limos that would bring people here. We didn't have to wait long though, as the limos pulled up in no time. Boys started getting out of the limos with their luggage, and girls led them to their common rooms. We had to wait a while, but soon one final limo pulled up, and out walked four boys, four very familiar boys.

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