Chapter 20: What Doesn't Kill You

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Rapunzel's POV

I ran as fast as I could after Gothel, and consiedering the fact that she wasn't very fast, I caught up to her quite quickly. She went through a few doors and passed a few corners, and I only hoped she didn't see me following her. She climbed down a few stairs, before coming into a dark and very cold room.

"Hello Elsa." She drawled

"What?" Elsa asked. She sounded weak, but strong at the same time.

"They've come for you, but don't worry, I won't let them get you." My heart rate sped up. I was only a hop, skip, and a jump away from getting Elsa back. I dashed into the center of the dungeon, across from where Gothel and Elsa stood.

"Well, if it isn't my dear, dear Rapunzel." She said

"Let her go." I snarled

"Now, I would do that, but I can't." She suddenly pulled a knife out of her pocket, pulled Elsa up by her hair, and held it to her neck. "Drop your weapons, or she dies."

"I....." I started, but couldn't finish. If Elsa died it would be my fault, but I couldn't just drop my weapons and trust Gothel. I was about to drop my boomernag knives, but some running sounds attracted my attention. In the clearing came Anna, Kristoff, Jack, and Tiana.

"Nice of you to join our little soirée." Gothel said "Now drop your weapons and no one gets hurt."

"We will never surrender!" Tiana yelled "Never!" Tiana walked up behind me, and suddenly gothel aimed the knife towards me, and threw it. I ducked, but that was the terrible mistake I made. It hit Tiana square in the stomach, and she fell to the floor. Gothel cackled and ran off with Elsa, while Jack ran after them. I bent down next to Tiana. Tears started brimming in my eyes.

"I'm so-I'm so sorry." I cried.

"Hey...hey...look at's not your fault....I love you guys....and I'll always love you...." With her last breath, she picked up her hand and waved at me, before her eyes rolled back, never to see the light shining on them again. Anna and Kristoff, who had been standing next to me started crying as well. I closed Tiana's eyes, and placed her hands across her stomach. 

"I swear, Gothel will die today, if it kills me, I will make sure she dies." I said and ran in the direction Gothel had gone.

Kristoff's POV

"Kristoff, we have to go. We have to go and kill as many of Pitch's minions as possible." Anna said

"Anna, that's not the way to do things." I said

"I just want to make sure that Tiana didn't die in vain." She said, and a tear rolled down her cheek.

"Hey, Anna, she didn't die in vain. We'll all make sure of it, but right now, we have to get Elsa back." I said. She stood on her tiptoes and gave me a small kiss on the lips.

"Thanks." She said when we broke apart

"For what?" I asked

"Anything and everything." With that, she started running in the direction Rapunzel, Jack, Elsa, and Gothel. I took one last look at Tiana's peaceful body, before I ran after Anna.

Jack's POV

I found Gothel and Elsa in an enclosed room.

"Let her go, Gothel." I said

"How about no." Gothel said, and started walking up to me with the knife in her hands.

"Say goodbye Jack." She said, and ignored Elsa's cries and screams of protest. I closed my eyes and prepared for the strike to come, but it never did. I opened one eye just in time to see Gothel fall to the ground dead. I looked up and saw Merida with an empty bow in hand, and Rapunzel with her arm still in a throwing postion. I had never been so happy to see the two of them.

"Jack!" Elsa said, and fell into my arms. I ran my fingers throuh her hair to soothe her.

"It's okay, it's okay." I said in my most soothing voice.

"We're going to go and see if we can get to Pitch." Merida said and, ran with Rapunzel to the exit. 

"What happened?" Elsa asked "After Gothel threw the knife."

"Tiana died." I said solemnly

"This is all my fault..." Elsa said, and held on to my shirt.

"'s okay, we're going to make sure that Tiana didn't die in vain." I said. Elsa let go of my shirt, and wrapped her arms around my neck.

"You're a hero Jack." She said, and gave me a kiss.

"Let's go and help the others." I said shakily. We ran off in the direction of the others, and were outside quite quickly. We saw Eugene, Rapunzel, Merida, Hiccup (on Toothless), Anna, and Kristoff standing in front of Pitch, who was standing on his nightmares.

"You eight sure are hard to get rid of." Pitch grunted

"You know what they say, 'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger'" Rapunzel said, with confidence.

"Unfortunately, you will all be dead when I'm finished with you."

"Maybe not." Hiccup said, and Toothless shot a plasma blast at Pitch. It killed at least a hundred of his nightmares. 

"You think that that is going to kill me?" Pitch asked

"No, but this will." Hiccup said, and Toothless shot five plasma blasts, killing hundreds of Pitch's nightmares. Merida took a shining golden arrow out of her quiver, and looked at Hiccup. He nodded, patted Toothless, and then, all at once, the eight of us threw our last weapons. A Golden Arrow, a plasma blast, ice from Elsa, ice from my staff, a boomerang knife, a spear, and two swords flew at Pitch. When the explosion faded out, and when Pitch wasn't there, we knew something. We had won. 

I'm on a roll! I updated twice in one day, and four times in one week. I hope you like these last two chapters, because I worked really hard on them. This isn't the end though. There will probably be three more chapters or so. Ignore any mistakes and please don't forget to vote.

This chapter is dedicated to Firegirl101 because she followed me! Thank you! 

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