Chapter 14: How To Capture The Smart One

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Pitch's POV 

"So..let me get this straight, you let Elsa Arendelle and Jack Frost into my agency, you not only let them steal something of mine, BUT, you let them get away," I recounted

"Yes My Lord" Gothel said quietly

"I am surrounded by fools!" I yelled

"My Lord I-"

"Shut your mouth, everytime you talk it makes me want to stab you" I said. Gothel quieted down. I thought for a while, how could Elsa and Jack Frost, of all people get into my agency and get out unharmed?

"Gothel" I said "I want the Frost boy here in my agency before the deadline." 

"My Lord, wouldn't it be more effective to get the Elsa girl instead?" She asked

" Tell me why I would want the Elsa girl instead?"

"My Lord, your mind is too clouded with hatred for the Frost boy, that you cannot see the obvious," She said

"And what is that?" I asked

"The Elsa girl is the brains of the group, in other words, she is the reason Jack Frost got in and out of the agency alive."

"Yes..." I said

"If we were to get rid of her, the agency wouldn't be half as smart as it is, it would just be brawn, and what good would brawn be against you, My Lord" She smiled. I contemplated the thought. Yes, Jack Frost wouldn't have been paired with anyone other than Elsa for the mission.

"Before you go on, I have a quiestion." I said

"Yes?" Gothel asked nervously

"How did she and Frost get in in the first place?"

"It would seem.." Gothel gulped "That she and Frost crawled through the air ducts and were able to disable the security."

"Then they invaded my office" I finished

"Yes, My Lord" She said

"How do you plan on capturing the girl?" I asked

"I had a few ideas" She said

"Maybe you could give her a nightmare, make her think that her sister is being held here." I suggested.

"We could, but the nightmares are hard to concoct and you saw how quickly the Rapunzel girl recovered from her nightmare." Gothel said

"Then what do you propose?" I asked

"We could lure her in" 

"With who or what?" I spat

"The Hans boy would be favorable, don't you think?" She asked

"I suppose..." I said, trailing off

"We could have her go after him and he could lead her to us" Gothel said, as if it were that simple. I could see so many flaws in the plan, but I didn't say anything.

"What if he is successfully captured, or worse yet, captured by someone other than the girl?" I asked

"I will make sure that only the girl goes after him." Gothel said

"You'd better, because I'm tired of being evaded, I want the girl captured before my deadline." I said

"Yes, My Lord." Gothel said

"And if you fail to get her, or if something goes wrong, everyone involved in the capture will be executed" I said with an edge to my voice.

"Yes, My Lord" Gothel gulped, and for the first time in my many years of working with her, Gothel's eyes actually revealed something. She was afraid.

Hey! Thank you for reading, and also DWPC got 2k reads, WOW! This book got 1k reads a couple days ago, so thank you so much. As usual don't forget to vote and ignore any mistakes.

This chapter is dedicated to Queen_Rosalina who commented a LONG time ago. I really like it when people comment, so thank you! As you can see, I'm kind of behind on the dedications, but I'll catch up!

I like this chapter because it's kind of spooky, and Halloween is right around the corner! 

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