Chapter 16: Catch Me If You Can

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Elsa's POV

The next morning was fairly relaxing, that is until Jack came in.

"Elsa, Tiana wants to see you." He said

"I'm going." I said, as I got up off of the couch, and towards the door. When I got to Tiana's office, I found that she was leaning over her desk, and looking at something.

"Oh, there you are." She said looking up from whatever she was looking at.

"What's up?" I asked

"Hans has apperently traveled too close to the agency and we need someone to go and get him." She sad

" he's just too close?" 

"Yup." Tiana replied 

"I'll go and search for him then." I said, and walked out of the room and into the preperation room. I pulled on a jacket, hiking pants, and my tattered combat boots. I pulled my hair into a ponytail and walked out of the agency building towards the gates. It was mainly woods outside of the agency, so it was just a bit creepy. I trudged slowly around the overgrowth, and farther away from the agency.

"Hans...I know you're here, so just....come out, and we won't have any trouble." I said shakily. I knew Hans wouldn't show himself, but I figured it was worth a try.

"Come out, come out..."  I said, a little more to myself than to Hans,  wherever he was. I didn't realize how far into the woods I walked until I stopped and noticed that the clearing wasn't behind me anymore. I was lost. I started to panic and I knew that no matter what, I should try to find my way back to the agency. Suddenly I heard footsteps and crunching of leaves

"Hello?" I asked. No answer. "Show yourself..." I said. No answer. If I was sweating before, it was nothing compared to now, and I could tell. Suddenly someone emerged from the bushes. Hans.

"Hello Elsa." He said, and began to run. I began to run after him, but he kept making extremly sharp turns. 

"Come back here, idiot!" I yelled after him, but he kept running. I tripped over a bunch of roots, and other plants, and just prayed I hadn't tripped over any poison ivy. I stopped for a minute to try to see where Hans was running to, but when I looked no one was there.

"Dang it!" I yelled slamming my hand against a tree. My hand stung really badly and I turned it over to see a rather large gash forming and blood slowly seeping out. 

"Oh Elsa" I heard a drawling voice say "How gullible you are..." 

"Stop running, you coward" I said "Give it up"

"Elsa, you were fighting a losting battle, you see this was all planned. You and your half-wit agency fell for it."

"No...." I said, stumbling a bit

"Yes..." Hans said, a malicious smile forming on his face.

"They'll come for me, you'll see." I growled at Hans

"WIl they? Or at least before I get you?" He asked, the grin never leaving his face.

"What do you mean?" I asked. He smirked

"Lights out Elsa." Then it was just dark.

Hey, hey, hey! It was a slightly scary chapter (Bad Hans!) Anyway, thanks for reading, don't forget to vote and ignore any mistakes.

This chapter is dedicated to Big5_Story_Fangirl

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