Chapter 11: The Nightmare

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Eugene's POV

It had been two days since the masquerade ball and everything had gone back to normal. Yesterday, we had had the whole day off from work and training to recover from the ball and today everyone was going back to work. The boys, the girls, and I had training first thing this morning, and I was eating cereal while watching the dail[y news: 

Stocks, some deal France made with Russia, and kidnappings by Pitch.

"Kidnappings done by Pitch!" I yelled out loud, and ran out of the common room, not even bothering to clean up my cereal. I rushed to the training room, but found that everone was already there. Rapunzel was battling with the holographic nightmare function, Elsa was practicing her backflips, Merida was praticing moving target archery, Anna was sword-fighting with Kristoff, and Jack and HIccup were working with knives and Jack's ice powers.

"Eugene!" Coach Mulan barked "You're late"

"I am?" I asked

"Training starts at nine and it is five past nine" She said. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes at her. She reminded me of Zara at college when we were just two minutes late, and still got in trouble.

"Five laps" Mulan said

"Yes ma'am" I said, starting to run around the designated indoor track. Everytime I went past Rapunzel, I saw that her face was paling more and more and she was starting to lose her edge on fighting the nightmares. All the while, Mulan was yelling at Rapunzel to keep up, It happened quickly. One minute Rapunzel was pale and fighting and the next minute, she was on her knees before she fainted.

"Punz!" Elsa screamed

"What's wrong with her" Mulan asked

"She fainted, smart one" Jack said as if it was obvious, simply because it was.

"Don't talk back" Mulan snarled "Take her to the hospital wing, someone" She said "And the rest of you keep practicing" Everyone dispersed except for Elsa and I.

"I'll take her" I offered

"You better" Elsa grunted, before going back to practice. I carefully picked Rapunzel up, and carried her out to the hospital wing. When I got there, a woman with dark skin and black hair with a lab coat greeted me.

"Hello" She said "I'm doctor Eudora" She said 

"I'm Eugene Fitzherbert" I said

"I'm well aware" She smiled "What has my dear Rapunzel gotten herself into this time?" Eudora asked.

"She just fainted in training and she's been twitching" I explained "And this time?" I asked 

"Yes, this is the 11th time in three months that she's come here" Eudora said motioning for me to put Rapunzel down on the table.

"Wow" I said

"Yeah, she's a fighter. So you said she was twitching?" Eudora asked

"Yeah, maybe she just overheated from practice" I offered

"Mmm...I don't think so" Eudora said "I think that a nightmare got to her"

"A nightmare what?" I asked

"Pitch has instilled one of his nightmares in her, but don't worry, I've seen this before and it's harmless." She said

"Oh" I said blankly

"Besides, Pitch likes to kill in person, especially if it's someone like Rapunzel" Eudora said

"Yeah" I murmured

"She'll be alright, you can head back to practice, but she'll be out the whole day, and I'm going to keep her in the hospital until tomorrow morning" She said

"Okay" I said quietly, walking out the door. I walked back to the training room, where everyone turned from what they were doing to look at me.

"How is she?" Elsa asked

"The doctor said that she'll be fine, and it's nothing fatal, but she's going to stay in the hospital for the night."

"Oh" Everyone murmured

"I hope she'll be alright" Merida said.

"Get back to practice!" Mulan barked and we all went back to training. I hoped Rapunzel would get better soon too.

Yay! I updated. As usual vote and ignore any mistakes. Also, Eudora is Tiana's mother from The Pricess and the Frog. 

P.S.  This chapter is dedicated to OMGJKSFL because they voted for DWPA. Thanks! Also, this is a very a late dedication, because OMGJKSFL voted like a week ago. 

Anyway, thanks for reading! :)

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