Chapter 9: Let's Have a Ball

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The next morning was hectic. I woke up, and got got dressed and everything else, but I didn't have time for breakfast. I pulled on an apron, and dashed to the kitchen where Eugene was already there, making the appetizer. We had finished the desserts and main courses last night. 

"What have you and the elves made?" I asked frantically

"The beef and rice, the soups, and the pastas" He said hurriedly as well "All you have to do is help me make the lasagna" He finished. 

"Alright" Together, we worked to make five humongous dishes of lasagna.

Merida's POV

Hiccup and I were dragging the last radios, speakers, and stereos up the stairs. 

"So.. how are we going to take requests?" Hiccup asked

"How about we take five requests and put them on a playlist, and then after fifteen minutes, we take another five?" I suggested

"Okay" He answered as we lugged the last stereo up. We walked into the finely decorated ballroom, where Elsa and Jack were putting the final touches on their decorations. 

"Hiccup, bring the ladder over here, so I can put the wall speakers in"

"On it" He said. He went and got the ladder from the janitor's closet and brought it to me. 

"You have to hold it still" I said

"Okay, Okay. I got it" We went around the entire room, putting speakers up before putting the ladder away. By the time we finished, and had set up the DJ table, Rapunzel and Eugene (with the elves following suit) had come in with tray-fulls of food. Cakes, brownies, cookies, meats, cheese, breads, pastas, lasagnas, and any other fancy food you could imaginge came in. They set the food on the table before going to get more. They went and collected food to bring to the ballroom for a good fifteen minutes, before all the food was in the room.

"That is a lot of food" Jack said

"Very nice observation" Elsa said sarcastically. Jack just threw her a look.

"Yeah, I can't believe we made that much" Punz said

"Now, all we have to do is wait for Anna and Kristoff, and we'll be all set!" I said. As if on cue, Anna and Kristoff came in.

"All the guards are positioned and are ready to do their jobs" Anna said

"The party starts at six and ends at twelve, just in case you didn't know" Kristoff informed

"Then, we'd better go and get ready!" Elsa said

"But, it's only noon" Jack said

"So? It'll probably take us girls ages to get ready, and we have to be there at five" Anna said

"Do we have to be there at five" Eugene asked , gesturing to himself and the other boys.

"No, so you can come at six, I guess" Punz said

"Alright, let's split up" Jack said. We all exited the ballroom, leaving two guards to make sure no one got in before they were supposed to and went to the common room to change.

Anna's POV

Once we had gotten to our rooms, the girls and I showered and washed our hair (Yes, even Merida) before we started to get ready. Merida was in Elsa's room getting her hair straigtened, while Punz was waiting her turn and laughing her butt off at all the disgusted faces that Merida made. Finally, Merida's hair was done and it went to her waist.

"Wow Mer, you look good"

"Thanks" Merida grunted as she walked not so peacefully to her room. Punz was next. Elsa did a braided side bun for Punz using a sock bun, since Punz's hair was too short for a braided side bun. Once Punz was done, it was my turn.

"What style do you want?" Elsa asked

"Can you put it in waves?" I asked

"Sure" She replied. Elsa never really used curling irons and flat irons that often, so she put my hair into four equal sized braids and put the braids in hot water for 20 seconds each. When she took the braids out, I had wavy hair! 

"Thanks, Elsa" I said

"You're welcome, and can you do my hair?" She asked

"Sure" We switched spots so she sat in the chair and I stood in back of her.

"What style?" I asked

"French braid on my shoulder, please" She said. I braided her hair, letting the bangs fall, and put the braid on her left shoulder when I was done.

"Thanks" She said

"No problem, but now, I've got to get dressed" I said as I rushed to my room to get dressed. My dress was red (like fire) and sparkly. It went to my ankles and was as a dark red, like blood red. I put on the dress and twirled around, before I put on sparkly red two inch heels. I went to Punz's room and found that she was wearing an aquamarine dress that went all the way to the floor. The dress had lace sleeves and was quite beautiful on Punz.

"You look gorgeous" I said

"Thanks, and may I say that that dress suits you well too" Punz said as I laughed at her failed attepmt to sound regal.

"You do look pretty though" Punz said.

"Thank you" I laughed. After Punz put on blue flats, we walked to Merida's bedroom, where she had her dress on. It was ruby red, and had a slit in on of the legs.

"Woah, Mer you look great" Punz complimented.

"Thanks" Merida said. The three of us walked to Elsa's room again, and she was wearing the same dress she had worn for the talent show in college. (What she wore for 'Let It Go') She looked even prettier this time.

"Elsa, you look really pretty" Merida said. Elsa smiled and said 'Thanks' before she handed all of our masks out. My mask was red and black, while Elsa and Rapunzel had dark blue and light blue masks. Merida had a light red and black one.

"What time is it?" Elsa asked

"Four-thirty" I replied looking at my phone.

"We took that long to get ready?" Punz asked

"Well, we ate lunch and took pretty long showers" Merida said

"True" I mumbled while adjusting my mask.

"Well, let's sneak out before the boys see us" Elsa said. We all followed her down the stairs and tip-toeing out the common room door.We all walked to the dorm room and looked around, making sure everything was perfect, before we sat down and waited another 90 minutes for six'o' clock to come. Then we heard the 'ding ding' of the grandfather clock, indicating that it was 6:00.

"You know what this means." Elsa said

"Let's have a ball!" The four of us replied

Another long chapter! YAY! Tomorrow will probably be the actual ball chapter, but if not tomorrow, some other day. As usual, ignore any mistakes and don't forget to vote!

 This chapter is dedicated to Happibug, because they commented on DisneyWorks Pixar College. They commented on how awesome Merida is, to which I replied 'Yes, she is'. So yeah.

Also, if you want to know what the dresses look like, Rapunzel's dress and hairstyle is the picture on the side, Merida's dress is the external link, Anna's dress is the link that follows this message, and Elsa's dress is just her 'Let It Go' dress.

 Anna's Dress:

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