Chapter 21: To Say Goodbye

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Elsa's POV

It was the day before Christmas Eve, also known as the day after Anna's birthday and the day we were going to have a funeral for all those who had died from our agency. When the clock chimed ten, the eight of us left the common room, and followed the sad stream of people out the doors. Tables and chairs had been set up for us already, and the eight of us got to sit down in the front row. After all the seats had filled, a solemn and sad looking Minnie and Mickey took the stage.

"We have all come here today to celebrate the lives of those we lost." Mickey said.

"Our friends, brothers, sisters, colleagues, and even our family members." Minnies said, looking down at her black dress.

"Today we will relesase balloons for all those who died." Mickey continued. Minnie came up to us and handed us a purple balloon with Tiana's name on it.

"You can let it go." She said (A/N no pun intended.) The eight of us held onto the balloon, like it was the last piece of Tiana, before we all released it at the same time. We watched it float up until it was just a speck in the sky.

"Goodbye Tiana." I said sadly. MInnie and Mickey handed out more balloons to the friends and family memebers of people who had died. There were eighteen people who had died, including Tiana. Among them were Eric Seans, (he was Ariel's boyfriend), and Phillip Manns, (Aurora's possible boyfriend.) After all the balloons had been released, all the caskets were put into the ground at once, and then covered up. Minnie and Mickey placed the tombstones and ribbons on the graves, before the two of them walked back up to the stage.

"This garden will now be known has the Garden of Heroes, in honor of all our heroes." Minnie said, while wiping her eyes.

"Now we invite Elsa, Anna, Rapunzel, Merida, Kristoff, Eugene, Jack, and Hiccup up here to say a few words about their loving coach Tiana." Mickey said. The eight of us got up and went to the stage, but I went to the podium. With shaking hands, I took the crumpled piece of paper out of my dress pocket and smoothed it out on the podium.

"Hello everyone. The eight of us decided to write a little letter about our amazing friend Tiana. She was a gift to the world, even though when I first saw her I didn't think much of her. She was the only one who was that determined to train four misfit girls, and she went to even greater lengths when she took on the job of training the boys behind me." I said, tears starting to obstruct my view. "Tiana taught me many of the things I know today, and I couldn't be more grateful. I hope that she's having a great time in heaven, because that's where she belongs. I can also picture her rolling her eyes in heaven and saying "What are you clowns doing, you're supposed to be happy, Pitch is dead!"" I recited Tiana's words and paused, while the audience laughed. "She's right." I continued, "We're supposed to be happy! Pitch will never again hurt us, and that's all Tiana ever wanted. Thank you." I said and took the piece of paper, shoved it back in my pocket, and turned to the audience, only to be bombarded with applause. The eight of us stood side by side and smiled, laughed, and even cried at the audience. I realized Tiana was right. We should have been rejoicing. The eight of us joined hands and took a bow. As we all stood there holding hands, I realized that even though Tiana was dead, Pitch was dead too. The agency was fine, and I had seven of the best friends in the whole world. We were going to be just fine.

T H E    E N D

Wow! I finished the book. It was a really sad chapter, but there will be an epilogue. That will probably be up today. Anyway thanks for all the support you guys gave me. The follows, the constant votes, the really nice and encouraging comments. Thank you all so, so much.

This chapter is dedicated to QueenOfIceAndSnow. She was one of my constant voters, and she followed me! 

DisneyWorks Pixar Agency (Book 2)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora