Chapter 15: Information

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Elsa's POV

Jack and I walked hurriedly towards Tiana and Naveen's shared office. When we got there, I opened the door and walked in without permission.

"We're back." I said

"What'd you get?" Tiana asked

"Well...I got a little note." Elsa said

"What does it say?" Tiana asked impatiently

"December 26th. DWPA" I read.

"December 26th?" Tiana asked

"That's the day after Christmas" Jack said

"No, I thought it was the day after World Peanut Day" I said sarcastically

"I was just saying!" Jack yelled

"Calm down." Tiana said "We have to think this through"

"So should we get everyone else?" Jack asked

"Yes, please" She said. Jack and I left the office and walked to the common room. When we opened the door, we found a very weird scene. Merida was beating Hiccup up with a book, while Rapunzel and Eugene videotaped it. 

"Merida...I'm...sorry..." Hiccup said in between hits

"What'd he do?" Jack asked

"He made the mistake of eating Merida's cereal." Rapunzel explained

"First of all, Merida is that really necessary? And Hiccup, why were you eating cereal at three in the afternoon?"

"Yes, it was completely necessary" Merida said, while Jack and I rolled our eyes

"I like cereal at any time of day, deal with it." Hiccup said

"Well, I would love to stand here and debate cereal and when to eat it , but Tiana wants us all in her office now." I said

"Well, let's go!" Anna, who had just been sitting on the couch the whole time, said. We all walked back to Tiana and Naveen's office, to find that our seats had been set up for us already.

"What took you clowns so long?" Tiana asked

"Long story, so what did you want us to do?" Kristoff said

"First, I want you to sit, and then I'll tell you." We all took our seats, before Tiana began to speak

"When Elsa and Jack went to Pitch's agency, they found this note" She said, and passed the note to Rapunzel. We all passed it around before Eugene spoke up

"December 26th, DisneyWorks Pixar Agency?" He asked

"What's that supposed to mean?" Merida asked

"We don't know, but does anyone have any ideas?" She asked

"Maybe it's the day that he wants to attack us" Punz said.

"That makes sense, because it would be the day after Christmas and we wouldn't think that he would attack." I said

"What if he changes the date, now that he knows we stole this note, he might change his plans." Hiccup said

"Always trust Hiccup to ruin your one hint in a mystery." Jack said

"Jack, you need to learn to close your mouth, because Hiccup has a point." Tiana said. Jack rolled his eyes as the rest of us laughed at him.

"I agree with Hiccup, but I also think we need more information" Anna said

"It would be too risky to go back, Pitch has probably ramped up security, and I don't want to be a man down when Pitch attacks." Tiana said

"Let's hope Pitch doesn't change the date, because this is pretty useful." Merida said

"Well, I'll meet with you guys some more if we have to, but we'll keep watch until then, you can go." Tiana said. We all backed out of our chairs and made a mad dash to the door, and I heard Tiana laughing as we fell over ourselves to get out.

Hi! I hope you liked this chapter, it was kind of boring, but there will be more. Ignore any mistakes and don't forget to vote.

This chapter is dedicated to CarrieFrasure who voted A LOT for my books, so thank you!

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