Chapter 13: Don't Get Caught

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Jack's POV

Elsa and I were in the preperation room suiting up and getting ready for our mission. Basically, our plan was that I would be in charge of making sure that security couldn't detect Elsa, and Elsa would go to Pitch's office and try to get whatever she could. I pulled on my belt which had a nightmare gun, and my staff attached to it. Elsa finished her braid before putting her black hat on and turning to me,

"Don' t mess this up and please don't get us caught" She pleaded

"You're the one who's actually going to Pitch's office" I retorted

"Yeah, but at least I'm coordinated" She said, cracking a smile

"Shut up" I said, but I started to smile too. Once we had all our black clothes on, and Elsa and I both had flashlights, we went to the garage. There were a bunch of cars, but Elsa selected the black Range Rover. 

"Who's driving?" I asked

"Is that even a question?" Elsa said back

"What! I thought I could..." I trailed off

"Just get in" Elsa said as she got into the driver's seat.

I sat in the passenger seat and buckled myself in. Elsa drove out of the garage and had to show her ID card to the guard at the gate, before we left.

"So, you understand what we're doing...right?" Elsa asked nervously

"When we get to the place, you're going to park as close to the place as you can, and then we'll walk from there. When we get close enough, I'm going to climb into the air ducts, and locate the security camera and security system room. I'll turn the security off and you'll take what you can from Pitch's office, and we'll meet up at the car when you give me the signal." I explained

"Wow" Elsa said, clearly surprised. She pulled up to a clearing in the woods and we got out of the car. 

"Follow me" Elsa said. I nodded and followed her towards a humongous set of iron gates, but we didn't go through them. Elsa led me to the side of the big building. 

"There are no security cameras around here, so we're safe. I'll give you a boost" She said. I used her hand as a little ladder, and gripped onto the side of the duct.

"Good luck" Elsa said as I climbed in. The second I was inside the duct, I became thankful that I wasn't any larger than I already was. It was hot and sweaty and I was honestly surprised that there weren't any cameras in the duct. I crawled along at a snail's pace and finally I found the latch that told me that I had arrived above the security room, because Elsa and I had studied a blueprint of the building. I lay down on my stomach and carefully opened the latch. As expected, the room was empty. I dropped down and rushed to lock the door before sitting down at the control desk. I put on my headset that was attatched to my walkie-talkie.

"Snowflake, come in Snowflake" I said into it.

"Are you in Frost?" She asked

"Yes, over" I said

"Did you turn off the security?" She asked

"Hold on" I said. I turned back towards the control panel and pushed the 'Shut down' button on all of the cameras. I looked once more at the camera that showed Pitch's office and noticing that the camera was off, I turned back to my walkie-talkie.

"Snowflake, you there?" I asked

"Yup" She said

"Get ready to go into the ducts and get your flashlight ready, I'm turning out the lights."

"Okay" Elsa said. I pushed the 'Lights Off' button for all of the rooms and leaned back. Suddenly I heard someone scream

"Security breach, security breach!" 

Crud. I thought to myself. They found us. I quickly ran into the coat closet just in case someone came in.

"Frost, stay calm" Elsa said "I need you to keep them out until I tell you that you can go"

"That's kind of hard right now" I said

"Board up the door, and keep them busy" Elsa said.

"Over" I said simply and pushed two of the chairs up against the door. I scrambled to the windows and closed the blinds before I went and sat back down in the remaining chair.

"Frost, I've been detected, go now!" Elsa yelled over the walkie-talkie. I grabbed the chair and put it in the middle of the room, where the duct was. It took a while, but after at least ten jumps, I got into the duct, closing it quietly under me, before I crawled as fast as I could through the tight space.

"Where are you?" I asked the walkie-talkie

"Almost out of the duct" She answered

"Okay" I grunted and kept crawling until I got to the opening. When I got out, I looked around before I jumped down and began a mad dash to get to the car.

"It's Frost!" I heard someone say and it wasn't Elsa. Suddenly, I heard footsteps behind me, and then gunshots.

"Catch him!" I heard Gothel's croaky voice say, but I was running faster than they could. I ran into the clearing of the woods where the car was parked, and thankfully I saw that Elsa was already there. Her eyes widened as I opened the door quickly and got in.

"Thank goodness" Elsa said as I slumped down in my seat

"Drive!" I said. "They have guns!" I said.

"Oh!" Elsa said as she started the car and backed out of the clearing.

"So, onto the real question." I said. Elsa quirked an eyebrow "Did you get anything?"

"Yup" She said, and kept driving.

Hello! Thanks for reading, vote, and ignore any mistakes.

This chapter is dedicated to DestinyHopeHaddock who commented a LONG time ago on DWPC. So thank you!

This chapter is also dedicated to my SIX new followers who will all get their own dedications later:







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