Chapter 8: The Party Planners

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Kristoff's POV

It had been about two weeks since Tiana had announced our jobs for planning the masquerade and today was the day before the masquerade. I walked down the stairs to see that everyone was already present and was going over what we would be doing the entire day. 

"Kristoff, have you and Anna gotten the invitations out to people?" Elsa asked


"Yeah" Anna and I replied simultaneously.

"We just have to get the security guards rounded up, and tell them who's on the guest list and who's not." Anna explained

"Okay" Elsa said "Does anyone else have anything done?" She asked 

"Nope" We all replied.

"Alrighty then, let's split up and start doing what we have to do". We all got up and left the common room to go and get our preperations ready. Anna and I went to the guard house to get a couple of guards for the party.

Eugene's POV

Rapunzel and I put on aprons and started to make dough for the cookies we were making. Rapunzel was making snowflake- shaped cookies and I was making fire- shaped cookies. We were going to make them from scratch (Rapunzel's idea, not mine). I decided to have a little bit of fun, and grabbed a handful of flour and threw it at Rapunzel. I half expected her to kill me, but she looked up at me with wide eyes, and grabbed an egg, which she threw at me.

"Oh no you didn't!" I yelled at her. 

"Oh yes I did!" She laughed back. I missed her laugh a lot. We kept on throwing things on each other, and wasting all of our ingredients, but we didn't care. Milk, eggs, flour, sugar, frosting, and even a little bit of food coloring flew as we both took cover behind the counters. I got up and threw the last of my flour at her. Rapunzel came out with flour on her nose. We laughed at each other, not even noticing how close we got until we both looked up. I had missed Rapunzel's innocent, but fierce green eyes a lot too, and I didn't notcie we were leaning in until the door banged open. It was the elves, and boy were they mad. All I heard was ringing and Rapunzel promising to clean the mess up. I laughed at Rapunzel one more time, before helping her clean up and then getting back to my cookies, and every other food I had to make.

Hiccup's POV

Merida and I were on music duty, which basically meant that we were DJs. 

"So.. how what are we going to use?" I asked awkwardly

"Headphones and stereos and a laptop, and microphones" She said like it was obvious. Because it was obvious, I guess.

"So where are we going to get it?" I asked

"I have a laptop with plenty of songs on it, and I have headphones, but we're going to have to go and get the stereo from the basement."

"Okay, well I have a laptop and headphones too, and I have those microphones that you put on your head" I said

"Cool!" She said genuinely happy. I smiled at her as we walked down to the basement where the stereo was. It was pretty high-tech looking, and despite the fact that it was in the dark and cold basement, it looked pristine. 

"Alright, let's lug this into the ballroom" Merida said

"Wait, hold on... what's this?" I asked pointing to a CD and a CD player. The music was some sort of slow dance song. I put the CD in the player and the music came on soft and lovely.

"May I have this dance?" I asked Merida, expecting her to say 'no', but she took my hand and simply said,

"I'll warn you, I can't dance" She was lying. She was actually a great dancer, and even helped me a little bit. Once the song started to finish, I dipped Merida and pulled her up, to a spot where our faces were extremely close. As a matter of fact, her nose was touching mine. We stared at each other for a while before we pulled away from each other at the same time.

"Um.. let's get this upstairs" I said shakily

"Yeah" Merida said equally as shaky.

Jack's POV

Elsa and I were putting snowflakes and designs of snow and frost all around the ballroom. Elsa walked over to me to look at what I was doing. 

"Is it good?" I asked

"Yep." She said smiling at me before going back to her own snowflake work. We suddenly heard cluttering and laughing before the door opened to reveal Merida and Hiccup who both had red faces, considering the fact that they had just pulled a ginormous stereo all the way here.

"Can...can..can you put frost and fire on this?" Merida asked out of breath gesturing towards the stereo.


"Sure" Elsa and I answered.

"We're going to get the rest of the stereos and speakers, we'll be right back" Hiccup said. Just then, the door opened and Rapunzel and Eugene who were covered in frosting, flour, and eggs walked in, pulling a table in with them.

"Can you frost this up? We're going to go and get the food." 

"Okay" I answered, but Elsa had already beat me to it. She had made the table blue, and I had to admit, it did look pretty cool. The door opened again, and the fire fairies came in.

"Where would you like us to add this?" Asked a little fairy named Blaze. 

"Can you overlap it with the frost and snow?" I asked. Blaze nodded and led the other fairies around to help her finish up the decorations. When they finshed it looked pretty cool, it was ice that had red and orange streaks. Anna and Kristoff opened the door, and gaped around before saying.

"We have the guards" Anna said

"And it's luch time" Kristoff said. We all got up and rushed out of the ballroom so we could eat. Hey, I was starving!

Looong chapter. As usual, ignore any mistakes and don't forget to vote. 

Also, now I have five followers! YAY! Big shout outs to (in no specific order)






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