Chapter 1: Dad

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Uggh I'm so tired. OH WAIT ITS MY FIRST DAY AT KARASUNO HIGH. I got up but did it wrong. Instead of sitting up and getting on the edge of the bed then stepping off gently, I jumped in the bed then bounced of. But I had so much pain in my knee I fell on the floor gripping my knee and wincing in pain. Luckily it's a carpet floor.

Uggh all I want to do is play again.

I took a shower, did my hair, brushed my teeth and put on my new uniform. I'm new at Karasuno I still have about an hour to get there so I think I'll have some (f/b) (favorite breakfast sry need to give you a key but to lazy) "(y/n) are you up yet"
"Yes mom I'm already ready"
"Good I made you some (f/b)"
"You really are the best mom"
"I know"
I walked down stairs to get some of that delicious food. But to my surprise my father was here in this house my house.

I haven't seen him since the divorce years ago because he moved so far away. I wanted to run and hug him but my knee I can't do that but then I heard an all to familiar voice say " do I get a hug or what." I couldn't help myself I ran into his arms although the pain in my knee made it hard I still did it.

He's not a fat man but a buff one pretty tall if I might add. But me, I'm just a skinny school girl so you can imagine the damage in my ribs I received when I haven't seen him in four and a half years. But I was happy to be in his warm arms again and he still smells like cinnamon and trees that old smell I love.

I couldn't help myself I cried I actually started to cry because I finally get to see him again I couldn't afford to go see him he lived in the top of Japan in Aomori and we live in Miyagi. ( I had to look it up 😔)

" my, my look how you've grown." He said man I miss his immutable but soft voice " I'm on a business trip for the company and I thought I'd drop by." He's only here because of that. But yet nothing could make me happier.
" I missed you so much dad."
" I missed you to pumpkin I wish I could stay but I have to go but I'll call you later ok."
" okay see ya, love you"
Then he left just like five years ago I only saw him for 5 minutes and he's already out of my grasp. He only dropped by to say hi well hi dad.

I didn't know that would be the last time I would see him

So what did you think of the first chapter did you like it I hope so. Sry if your not skinny or if something about you isn't totally true but I only did it to fit the story.

XOXO- Author-Chan

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