CH. 13 New Manager

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Everyone was warming up and getting ready for practice while talking amongst themselves. For some reason I couldn't get beanpole out of my head every since Saturday morning
"Excuse me can I speak with you please." Wow that's the loudest I've ever heard Kiyoko speak. Wait is someone behind her. The blond girl who I assume is a first year like me came from behind Kiyoko in a kind of awkward way. I could tell she was nervous and Shy. Maybe she's the new manager. Three managers is a lot but the boys are a lot to handle to. I think we would need five managers to keep some of them under control.
"You found a new person that's so awesome!" Oh no Hinata your gonna scare her away.
"Hey beautiful."
"Who's that?" She's gonna rum away before she's even been here for five minutes.
"We'll team I'd like you to meet your potential new manager." Kiyoko said.
"Um... my name is Yachi." She said voice full of shyness I felt bad for the poor girl.
"It's so great to meet you." I look over to see Yams blushing. Someone's got a crush.
"Nice job Kiyoko."
"She's pretty."
"You a first year?" Now if the others didn't scare her away that definitely did.
"Uh..yes  I'm in class 1-5 sir!!!" I knew he was gonna scare her.
"Give her some space Asahi." Good job Daichi.
"Huh? Stop it your staring at her it's creepy." Yes I agree Sugamama.
"This is really great news now now you've got two managers for next year." Good point.
"Yeah." The Yachi girl looked surprised.
"Well it's not set in stone I asked her today at the very last minute so she just dropping by on her way to do committee work. But she wanted to come meet you all." That's the most I've ever heard Kiyoko talk and I've been here for a while. Ya hi bowed.
"Yeah it's very nice to meet you."
"Hello." The whole team bowed and greeted her along with me.
"Easy don't crowed her she not used to you guys yet." Kiyoko said to everyone. The girl looked like a scared kitten. Maybe she needs Nekoma, nah I'm playing.
"Umm... sorry for bothering you." She said and left. Wait when did she get to the door.
"Kiyoko I had no idea you were out searching for a manager for next year." Daichi said. Kiyoko nodded
"Yeah well I didn't feel like all the searching I did back in the spring was enough. In order for Karasuno's team to continue to grow stronger it's very important that I pass on my responsibilities after I graduate." Cue the second and third years tears.
"THANK YOU SO MUCH KIYOKO!!!" They are so extra but they are right Kiyoko works really hard I wish I'd helped more.

{time skip to class}

"Tutoring sessions are only before and after practice. Beat it." He's so harsh.
"Common Mr.Yoshida's not here and I need to-" beanpole cut Hinata off.
"Terribly sorry but you'll have to come back during my regular business hours." Beanpole said while putting on headphones. I wonder if he actually listens to anything. They both stomped off. I pulled up my chair to him with my banana milk (Jungkook style) and my salmon onigiri.
"Weren't you a little harsh on them?" I said sipping my banana milk.
"No their annoying and I don't want to help them more than I have to." Wow.
"So your cruel." I said.
"Yeah whatever." He rolled his eyes and put his headphones back on.
"Oi, I know your not really listening to anything." He said nothing.
"OI, DoNt ignore me." Silence.
"Whatever." I mumbled to myself and went back to my desk right behind his. I finished my lunch, put on some earbuds, shuffled Kpop and tried to take a nap before class starts back and I can actually pay attention for once.

I finally got bored and turned to talk to Y/N but she was asleep when I turned around.

{time skip to practice}

I was writing stuff down on a clip board that was actually my study papers but I pretended it's business stuff, but Kiyoko handles all of that. No one has to know.
"Yachi!" I looked up and indeed it was her.
"We had a quiz in English today and there were questions from what you taught me. I got almost a whole third of them right."
"Good job Shouyo." I yelled to him across the gym and he gave me a thumbs up.
Then he and Yachi both jumped to the sky.
"Nice job hyena." I laughed
"It's Hinata." He told her.
"Haha haha she called you hyena." I laughed. Looks like beanpole is rubbing off on me.
"It's not funny Y/N." He yelled at me. I then stopped paying attention and went back to my study papers beanpole made me.

Time skip to like five minutes I guess>>>

"You can just observe today there's no reason for you to be nervous." Kiyoko told her.
"Right." Yachi blurted.
"That's sounds like nerves to me." I said to her in a sing song voice. Kiyoko chuckled a bit.
"Oh anyway be sure to watch out for the strays okay." Kiyoko told her.
"Yeah they are dangerous." I said to her.
"Okay." She blurted again.
"If you have any questions don't be shy and feel free to ask me and don't be scared to ask Kiyoko either. And like she said watch out for those strays." I said.
"Okay." Yachi said.
I walked away behind Kiyoko.

"I'm sorry I'm so sorry." I heard and turned around to see an unusual sight. Yachi on her knees bowing to... the coach? Anyway back to organizing the volleyballs.

Time skip to spike and block practice>>>

"Don't leave and room blockers. Heads up!" Coach the did an under hand serve that went to Tanaka, but she missed it so Daichi saved it.
"Sorry bro."
Kageyama then set to Asahi.
"Double block." Noya senpai called out. Oh no Yachi damn Asahi's strong arms. I was about to go get the first aid kit but Hitana and his fast reflexes received the ball. Thank the gods that child is okay. But she looks petrified. Eh it could have been worse.
"Good one Hinata."
"My bad." Kiyoko proceeded to check on her while I stayed and helped Coach Ukai.
"Kiyoko is talking her mouth is moving. And she's smiling to." Tanaka said.
"They're having some girl talk, that's so cute." Noya said after. There in trouble now.
"We're gonna have a talk if you don't stop acting like that." I laughed at them.
"Stop laughing Y/N and help ussssss." They yelled to me in unison
"But if I help *laughs* I'll get in trouble to." I said holding my stomach from all the laughing.

Time skip to dark outside>>>

"Time out."
"So you'll be glad to know we just got a last minute request tomorrow at Togi West High School, I said yes, they were impressed by our performance at the inner high prelims." Takeda told us.
"It's important for us to remember the disappointment of loosing to Seijiou. But still there's no need to dwell on that feeling right now. Just focus on winning." Ukai sain inspirationally.
"YEAH!!!" The whole team screamed together. I'm really kinda excited I love volleyball.

My first game with the team already I was really excited but nervous. I looked to Y/N she had a kind of far away look in her eyes. I wonder what she was thinking about.

Time skip to when they go home>>>

"Oh hello there Yachi are you done changing." Oh Kiyoko she startled me.
"If you wait a second I could walk you home I need to change to." She told me on no I'm so nervous I mean shouldn't it be the other way around. On no I'm doomed TT.
"Oh no I'm fine actually I'm glad to walk you home if that could be more convenient for you." What am I saying.
"Oh don't be silly." She told me. Oh nooooooo.
"Wait where is Y/N?" I ask her since I didn't see her leave.
"Oh she left with Tsukishima and Yamaguchi. She left while you changed." Ohh okay.
"I'm gonna change now." Oh no I kept her waiting to change."
"O-oka-kay." She then walked off.

Hope you enjoyed the new chapter see you next time


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