CH.15 Awkwardness

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*insert opening cause I'm listening to it*

I was changing in the locker room with Kiyoko and Yachi. They are having a conversation but I spaced out. My mind keeps on going to the awkwardness of this morning and the lunch period.

Flashback to morning time/lunch period>>>

I got to school early because I needed to do a few manager things before morning practice. Of course Tsukishima probably won't get up any earlier than necessary so I walked alone. When practice did start Yachi mainly did the towels and water bottles and I was charting progress for Coach. I was gonna go talk to Tsukki but last night's events popped up in my head. I turned my heels around and sat back down.

What was that. She was headed in my direction and was even about to say something but turned around. What a weirdo can someone remind me why I like this girl

YOUR POV (lunch time)
Ok this is awkward. We're literally just staring at each other. Yams went to the gym to practice his serve so it was just us here. I decided to start a conversation.
"So are we studying today."
"Kay." Well that was over as soon as it started.
"Hey, why are you acting like that?" Beanpole asked all of a sudden.
"L-like what." Crap I stuttered.
"I don't know, shy awkward. Is it because I hugged you if so don't think anything of it I was just making you feel better it's a pain when people cry, especially girls. It's hard to deal with." I felt a pain in my chest as he said that. I looked down at my desk.
"Yeah sorry." I said in a low tone.
"Also because your my friend and friends are supposed to make each other feel better." My head perked up. Did Tsukishima actually say that.
"Yeah your right and were best friends and best friends stick together." I said loudly and enthusiastically. And we went back to our normal selves and talked like normal. Well more like he threw insults my way and I threatened to hit him, but still that's our normal day. And Yams even came back early cause he was hungry.

No I don't like this atmosphere.
"Hey why are you acting like that?" I said referring to her weird behavior. Given she's always running around and being enthusiastic this is weird.
"L-like what?" She asked and stuttered at the same time.
"I don't know, shy awkward. Is it because I hugged you? If so think nothing of it I was just making you feel better it's a pain when people cry, especially girls. It's hard to deal with." I said. I didn't mean to come across as cold but she can't know the real reason I hugged her. No one wants the person they like to cry.
"Yeah sorry." She said in a low tone. Oh no is she gonna cry. I'd look like a terrible person if she cried right now, plus I'd be the reason and hate myself for making the most amazing girl in the world cry. I started to panic. What do I say. Okay here goes man I'm gonna regret this later.
"Also came because your my friend and friends are supposed to make each other feel better." Welp there it is. The most embarrassing thing I could say. Her head perked up and she smiled. At least she's happy again that's all I could ever ask for.
"Yeah your right and were best friends and best friends stick together." She said in her usual tone. She's back to normal. I don't know if that's a good or bad thing. Even so I smiled a little and let out a small quiet airy chuckle. She didn't see it though. Thankfully. And we went on to have a normal lunch and Yamaguchi even came back.

I was still thinking until I heard Kiyoko call my name.
"Hey y/n." She said.
"Yeah what's up."
"I was just wondering when you came to the team you knew pretty much everything about volleyball, how though?" She asked me. Oh yeah I forgot to tell them I used to play.
"I played since I was four years old. I was even the captain of the middle school team in my second year. But I had to quit the team." I said to her answering her question.
"Oh ok." She said back probably not wanting to pry any longer. But I wouldn't have told her why not that I don't trust her it's just that I don't really like talking about it. Also Yachi is here, there's nothing wrong with her I just barely know her and given what happened with my "friends" in middle school it's really hard for me to truly warm up to people and trust them. I have trust issues I guess you could say, but I've warmed up to the whole team already. Especially Tsukishima. Wait why did I think especially him he's the same as the whole team. I shook my head to stop these thoughts.
"Hey are you ok?" Kiyoko asked me.
"O-oh y-yeah I'm f-fine don't worry ab-bout it." I told but I can really say it was reassuringly. Then I just kinda sped walked away to the gym.

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