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I'm starting on season 2 for the real haikyu!! plot. Btw since it's the tenth chapter it's time for a face reveal. I hope you enjoy this chapter.

Another usual day of practice. Shoes squeaking, balls bouncing, and constant yelling. The usual but you can't help but love it. As I was next to Kiyoko, Hinata's team made a point and they all got high fives. Kageyama is so awkward. I laughed into my hand a little as I watched the games continue. What's this Beanpole did a faint, he's actually trying, how amusing. I looked over and Kiyoko was writing everything down, how can she keep up. Nishinoya did the rolling thunder. YAY. Hinata is so fast it's amazing and with that his team won. Time to go home.
"Common coach one more set."
Huh. Daichi say something. I looked over at him he had the same determined look as Hinata. Just great.

The set was finished finally now everyone is stretching and getting ready to go home. Until sensei bursts through the door. He fell on his face, I'm sure it didn't hurt he should be used to it by now. We all rushed over to see if he's ok though.
"Are you Alright." Coach asked him.
"Were going!" Huh, where.
"Going where?" Hinata voiced my thoughts.
"Uh you got a nose bleed." Kageyama pointed out. Oh he does.
"Tokyo." Huh Tokyo. I'm so excited.
Tokyo Tokyo." Yes what other Tokyo Hinata.
Takeda nodded
"So that means we, we get to, we get to play Nekoma." Hinata asked with excitement.
"We've got a practice match." Kageyama asked. Takeda nodded again.
"But this time around we won't just be playing against Nekoma, Nekoma is part of the Fukurodani academy group, there an association of groups across the kanto region who hold practice games with each other all the time. So get this thanks to coach Nekomata we get to participate to. Now we've got some other people to practice with." I gasped in excitement.
"Most of the time groups like that are built on longstanding relationships that take years to establish so it's hard to get in without having some kind of special connection, we should thank coach Nekomata for the favor. You boys should say thank you to takeda to I'm sure he asked him a million times." I chuckled quietly not doubting coaches words.
"It was nothing." Takeda said a bit embarrassed and continued.
"It helped to mention the old coach ukai." The boys cut him off by bowing and thanking him. Speech time.
"In the past few years we've sorta drifted apart from many of the schools we used to have a good report with and a lot of the coaches old coach ukai was friends with, well they've mostly transferred just for title. So this is our chance, now let's make the most of it!" That was good speech.
"Yeah" The boys all yelled.
"That set of theirs I will figure it out next time." Kageyama said creepily. I had shivers.
"Let's go make Karasuno high proud ok." Noya said with enthusiasm.
"YEAH HOPE YOUR READY CITY BOYS YOU'VE GOT IT COMING NOW!" Tanaka shouted. And what is a city boy.
"God you are so stupid" Beanpole commented
"Please stop saying that." Yamaguchi said.
"Guys leave poor Tanaka alone." I told them both.
"I'll get through their wall. I know I will." As long as you set your mind to it.
"Starting this weekend they'll be busy playing their preliminary matches for their inner high tournament so it won't be happening right away. Were invited but we still have to get school permission and the dinner details to work through. There's a good amount of red tape to be dealt with, but we will talk about it later. I just wanted to confirm that you wanted to go." Takeda told us.
"Of course we do." Daichi told him.
"Let's do this." They all screamed. I chuckled a little.
"Oh yeah I have a faculty meeting to go to. I'll leave it to you for now. You can take care off all the volleyball stuff coach." Takeda said.
"Sure thing." Welp I can't wait to go.
All of a sudden everyone started having their own side conversations. Then it was clean up time. I can go home now.

I was walking with Tsukishima and we almost got to my house until he stopped. I turned around to look at him.
"Why'd you stop."
"Just thinking."
"In the middle of the street." I said pointing at the street.
He nodded.
"That's how people get in car accidents." I said and kept walking. He caught up quickly and we reached our houses.
I wonder what he was thinking about.

The next day at school it was lunch time and I noticed all the boys and even some girls were fawning over someone. I looked out and it was Kiyoko.
"Hey Kiyoko whatcha doing?" I asked her.
"I figured we could use some help with all the manager stuff so I'm looking for a new one." She was right.
"How about I help you look?" I asked her. She looked at me excitedly and nodded handing me some of the papers in her hand. I laughed a little and took them asking people.

The boys went on a run so it was just me and Kiyoko in the gym for a while. They all got thee eventually. Takeda then decided to talk. Everyone sat on the floor waiting. He cleared his throat and began.
"So about that trip to Tokyo we're planning to do it next month it'll be here before you know it. We need your parents permission for this kind of thing so I'll be sending you all home with the paperwork. Luckily the schools already given the go ahead to make the trip during the school week. All though it'll be tricky final exams are also next month you do know that don't you. Don't you? I'm sure you can guess what I'm about to say. If you fail in even one subject you'll have extra lessons of weekends and of course Tokyo you'll be out."

Oh no

Welcome to my corona time update. I hope you enjoyed my muffins.


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