CH.6 He's Gone

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I was asleep until I heard the door bell and knocking ho would be doing that this early. I got up to go see who it was in my volleyball T-shirt and (f/c) (favorite color) volleyball pajama pants. I warm feet hit the cold wooden steps. I got to the door and opened it. You'll never guess who it was. Tsukishima. "Why so early." I asked. He looked angry no infuriated. "What do you mean why so early we have 30 minutes until school starts you dumb chibi." Really why didn't my alarm awake me. I grabbed his arm. "What are you doing." He asked in panic but anger. I put him on the couch and ran upstairs. I obviously didn't have time for a shower. So I brushed my teeth and did my hair and rushed to get ready. I ran downstairs. "Come on Tsukishima." He got up we still had 15 minutes and it was a 10 minute walk.

"So why did you wait." I asked him he just shrugged his shoulders. "Well Tadashi told me he was moving away for a while so your the only person who really puts up with me." Wait what. "Yamaguchi's leaving me my sweet cinnamon roll no. Why wouldn't he tell me." I felt like crying Yamaguchi was like the brother I never had.

wait she looks sad all of a sudden. "Are you ok." She looked up at me. "Why didn't yam yam tell me he was leaving." Huh. Then she shed a tear. Then another. Then her eyes were full of them. What do I do I'm not good in these situations. Then she hugged me. "Uhh (y-y/n) are you gonna be ok."
"No Yamaguchi left me alone without telling meeeee."
"There there." I said as I pet her head like a dog. "You'll be ok." She let go and looked at me.
"I'm sorry."
"Why are you sorry?"
"I got your uniform wet."
"That's fine it'll dry let's go." She followed close behind me. "So when is he coming back." Actually I didn't know but couldn't tell her that. "Soon he'll be back soon enough for the inter high prelims." I knew that much. "That's a long time." It was. "I'm sure he'll call or FaceTime me so I'll let you see him then." Then she smiled. "Really you mean it you won't push my head away and snatch it like that one time."

"Hey mom just about to leave practice. What's up you never FaceTime me."
"I'm working late and won't see you at all today so I wanted to see my Kei's Pale face." Umm sure talk to you later." But before I could hang up the spawn of satin showed up (get the reference.) and snatched it away. "Oooh are you mrs. Tsukishima you look so much like your son. " I heard my mom laugh. "(Y/n) give me my phone back now." I pushed her head away and snatched it out of her hand said goodbye and hung up.
End flashback

"No I won't." I said as I remembered that day. Then she did the un expected and jumped on me and gave me a hug.
"W-What are you doing."
"Thanks so much your the best."
"Your welcome now get off." She jumped off and we continued walking.

Tsukishima can be nice when he wants to be. He made me feel better and he said I could call yams with him so he's got a sweet side. Who woulda thought Tsukishima Kei could be a nice person I definitely didn't. But now that he is I want him to stay that way forever. Then I had this sudden urge. "Piggy back ride." He looked down. "What." He gave me a questioning look. "Up" then he picked me up. "You wanted one didn't you." Then I climbed up his tall skinny figure and he started walking. People say he skinny and weak but he strong and I can tell he has muscle and he's not as skinny as he looks. Then I fell asleep.

"Hey Chibi."
"Still alive?"
"Are you sleeping."
"I'll take that as a yes." I could feel her soft breath on my neck and her chest (mind out of gutter.) rising and falling on my back. She's definitely asleep.

To be continued......

Hey pancakes so the next chapter is gonna follow right after this one hope you liked and I'm gonna update a lot more because it's finally summer. And also I know yams is gone and it doesn't follow the plot at all but he'll be back in like three or four chapters. And also yams was your best friend that's why you were sad.

-Xoxoxoxox Author-Chan❤️❤️❤️

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