Chapter 3: Class rivals

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"Mom where is my lunch?"
" huh what are you still doing here, your supposed to be at school (y/n)."
" I know but I forgot my lunch."
" it's on the counter."
" Kay thanks love you mom."
With that I went back to school. Although my knee was hurting I still ran because I can't be late on my first day what will people think of me. I'm here and there's still 15 minutes until home room. Good now class 1-4 where is it.

I saw this short kid with orange hair and might I add a lot of energy. Wait is he a middle school no an elementary schooler. I gotta tell him this is a high school. Wait this is like the middle of the year though he should know where his school is. Wait no way is he in high school. I decided to walk up to him and tap him no the shoulder. He turned around and I simply asked him
" Excuse me but where is class 1-4? It's my first day and I'm a little lost"
" Oh that's Yamaguchi's class. Follow me I'll show you."
I followed him to a classroom that said 1-4 so I guess this is it then.

"Thank you ummm. I'm sorry I never caught your name."
" Oh right I'm Hinata Shouyo. And you."
" I'm (l/n) (f/n)."
" Nice to meet you (l/n)."
" No no just call me (y/n)."
" are you sure???????"
" ya."
" Then call me Shouyo."
"Ok I will see you later Shouyo."
" bye."
Then he ran out of the classroom. The teacher was in there and he showed me where I'm supposed to sit. There was 5 minutes until class started. But wait a minute is that Tsukishima. Yeah it is. Holy shit he's in my class WTF. Oh god no he sits in front of me. Something's telling me this is gonna be a bad year. Once his saw me in the seat be hind him he scowled then frowned at me. What did I do to him bump into him what's his problem.
" hey Tsukishima right what your problem with me I didn't do anything to you."
" Huh what who are you."
This guy already forgot who I am.
" what the hell you forgot about me."
" are you new or something."
" you seriously don't remember me huh wow and here I thought you were smart since your in this class."
Then he got a good look at my face.
" h-hey wait a minute your that girl who bumped into me this morning."
No shit Sherlock.
" ya that's me now why are you giving me that face it was an accident I didn't bump into you on purpose." Well more like I fell on him but let's not get into the details.
" what my problem well a random girl just bumped into me and made me fall and get my uniform dirty then she tells me her name runs off and comes into my classroom then starts to yell at me. I haven't even been here for an hour and I already hate today because of you so that's my problem."
" it's not my problem you looked like a pole so it was hard to notice you."
" what was that I take it your new here."
" ya I am it's my first day. And I said you look like a beanpole, beanpole."
Then he was angry. Then he smirked.
" at least I'm not a chibi like you."
" no I'm not a chibi your just to much of a bean pole to realize that."

Tsukishima's POV
" no I'm not a chibi your just to much of a bean pole to realize that."
She said that so smoothly this girl is interesting. No one ever comes up with got retorts to my comments except her. Especially my chibi ones like Hinata all he can do is pout or storm off or start yelling things that don't make any sense or Kageyma all he does is glare at me. But she, she can actually make me stuck and have to come up with this stuff. But I think I've zoned out for to long.
" are you sure your just so chibi that when you look up I'm a bean pole?"
I smirked but then the teacher said.
" what was that Tsukishima anything you want to add."
" n-no sir just talking to myself is all."
Wait a minute class started no wonder she was being so quiet. Then she chuckled and apologized to me.
" I'm sorry Tsukishima I thought you knew class stared, I would have told you but I guess you spaced out."
Eww but she's nice.
" it's fine." I said as I turned around.

Ya she has peaked my interest.

(L/n) (f/n) your my newest rival.

Your POV
Tsukishima Kei your my new rival.

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