CH.9 Jealousy

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The majority of this chapter is Tsukishima's POV so enjoy

I finished getting ready and walked outside. And you'll never believe what happened next.
You guessed it the beanpole I tried so hard to avoid but he just so happened to be walking by. The minute I stepped out. Yay.

"Is that the Chibi I see?" I fumed. This guy makes me so mad. " would you look at that it's the scrawny string bean." I said back. He smirk turned into a scoff and he started walking away.


"You coming?" He said as he turned around.

Maybe no victory.

"Y-yeah." I s said in defeat.

As we walked Yamaguchi soon joined us. And we stated conversing amongst each other while the beanpole walked ahead for us. But he was quieter then usual.
"Hey Tsukishima."
"Yes chibi-Chan."
"Well I was gonna ask if you were ok but never mind."
He laughed.
"What's funny." I said with an angry tone. He just laughed even harder.

why was I laughing I have no idea. But I could tell it was aggravating her so why stop. But why would she care if I was ok though. I swear she is full of surprises.

We finally arrived at practice. And yet she was still talking to Tadashi. I don't know why but it made me kind of angry. But I held it back.

Practice started and I couldn't keep my eyes off her.


Morning practice was over so we went to class. She was right in front of me.

With Tadashi.


And I had that same angry feeling. But I don't know what I'm angry at. Or why I'm even angry. But this isn't even regular angry that I feel. So what is it.


It was break and I was gonna ask l/n something since I fell asleep in class due to her texting me all night.

How she stayed up so late and is so energetic I will never know.

(Never I sleep in all classes)

I was about to say something but Tadashi started talking before I could. I was at a loss of words. I got angry again and left the classroom.

What's wrong with him. What a salty boy.

Damn I got mad again. What the hell. What is this I don't understand.

It's like tadashi is my best friend. But when he's with the chibi I just wanna choke him and take her for myself. Like what the actual hell.

Time skip again sorry>>>

At practice it was the usual but I ignored Tadashi this time he didn't mind but y/n seemed to notice. She frowned at my behavior. It just made me more mad tho. Once it was over I just up and left didn't say anything or wait for Tadashi and y/n to walk home together like usual.

I was almost on the street to my home when I heard my name being called. It was y/n. I turned around and waited for her to catch her breath.
"What do you want?" I asked.
" what's up with you, you've been grumpier than usual all day then you stormed out of practice not to mention you gave tadashi the cold shoulder." That she goes bringing him up.
"It's one of your business now leave me alone"
"That's what I mean you've been doing it all day." Have I?
"I'm just worried that's all. Please tell me what's wrong. You've been off I don't like it." I sighed
" it's nothing I'm just tired ok now go home I'll be fine tomorrow." I told her to keep her from worrying.
"Promise me." I rolled my eyes.

I got home ate food, showered, and laid down. But I couldn't sleep. I keep thinking about why I was mad but could think of something.

So I did the only thing I could think of. I asked Akiteru.

"Hey Akiteru." He looked at me.
"Yeah what's up?"
"I have a question." He looked taken aback when I said this.
" oh uh ask away."
"So what do you call it when you get mad at someone for being close to another person, but you want to be the person your mad at. It's like your mad at them for being close to the person you want the be close to you..."
He looked surprised as I said this.

"Sounds like your jealous Kei."

What me jealous? That's nonsense.

I laid down In bed thinking of what Akiteru said. Jealous but it's not like I like her. People who are crazy say crazy things. Then an image of her smiling showed up in my head. I don't like her. Then it hit me why I was jealous. Its because...

I like her.


Omg I'm alive. I'm so sorry. Well hope you enjoyed. But really I'm so sorry it took so long. Love y'all. Thanks for reading. Until next time


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