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Jake grabbed the keys and ran to the car. I got in the passenger and grabbed the aux cord and started playing idontwannabeyouanymore by Billie Eilish. I started to sing and didn't realize I was singing so loud jake was just staring at me and smiling. I looked over at him
E: what??
J: you have such a beautiful voice.
E: wait I'm sorry what? Was I singing?
J: yes and it's amazing!!
E: oh gosh what have I done.
J: you need to show Aaron your voice! He's a singer and y'all would be perfect in a duo.
E: ok I'll think bout it.
I changed the music very quickly and changed it to rap. We got to the studio and I got out and grabbed all my stuff from the trunk and told jake to carry my bag we walked in and I set up all my music and got stretched and ready to go.
J: so would you mind showing me the dance maybe?
E: really? Oh fine just don't drool
J: hey I don't drool!
E: mhmm
I put on the music for it (talk dirty to me by: Jason durelo it's old I know 😂😂) and I did the dance. When I was done jake was wiping is drool away and I looked down to see a lovely little boner ( i just laughed more than I should have at that 😂😂)
E: you gonna fix that?
J: oh shit
E: skskskksksksk(falls on the floor laughing*)
J: hey it's not funny that dance was very sexy with a very pretty girl dancing it!!
Jakes pov*
I didn't mean to say what I said and I'm instantly regretting it!!
E: oh so you think I'm very pretty huh?
J: oh shit (lol drinking game take a shot of sprite every time jake says oh shit 😂😂😂)
E: ok then well you go take care of that while I get ready bc class is about to start
J: oh shit well yes ma'am!!!
E: oh good atleast you know how to follow some rules.
I was blushing way to much my boner became more hard this girl drives me insane!! Oh shit what am I gonna do

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