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I woke up to my screaming alarm clock. Ugh!! I got dressed for practice and woke Jake up to take me to school.
Emily: BABY!!!! Wake up!!!!
Jake: ok babe I'm up I'm up. I'll get my keys!!
I laughed at him bc he was being a dork. He grabbed the keys and we left the house. While we were in the car we jammed. He pulled up to the school and kissed my cheek before I left the car. I ran to the football feild to find the girls stretching.
Mckenna: ooh soo how are you and white hair?
Emily: his names Jake and were doing great!!
Savvy: y'all are super cute together!!
Saniyah: but what happened with you and Zach?
Emily: he broke up with me. BUTTT!!!! Guess what??
Girls: what!!
Emily: the boys are writing a couple songs and they want us to do a dance to one of them.
Tara: AHHH!!! Omg this is so exciting. We could boost there careers!!
Emily: I know right!! There gonna meet us after school today at my house and we're gonna listen to each song and see what we can do with it. Sooo be at my place today after school!!
Girls: oh we will!!

We then started practice and there wasn't really anything to do so we just stretched and discussed showcase. My phone timer went off so we went to go get dressed for school. After we got dressed I went to first period and met up with the boys.

Time skips to after school;
Jake pulled up once again blasting his new song ps2. I laughed at him and got in the car.
Emily: you know what? Your really embarrassing.
Jake: hey just doing my jop!!
Emily: hey I need to tell you. So when we get home there's gonna be the team and some of my guy friends coming over bc the guys want to show us some of there songs they want us to dance to for showcase.
Jake: ok, wait who are the guys?
Emily: you know one of them but it's, corbyn, jack, daniel, Jonah, and Zach.
Jake: wait!! Zach your ex!!??
Emily: yeah but we're cool no need to worry
Jake: ok I believe you babe
We arrived at the house and I went up stairs to find my speaker then went back to the kitchen and grabbed some water. The guys and girls finally arrived and corbyn hooked his phone up to the speaker and started playing songs. He went in order and told us what the names were.
-big plans
-don't change
-I don't belong in this club
-8 letters
-trust fund baby
-in too deep
-these girls
-cold in la
-something differant

Tara: I think we should use 4 of the songs.
Emily: that's what I was thinking. Corbs send me the playlist and we will pick.
Zach: so when will we find out wich songs y'all are doing?
Emily: pfft night of showcase duh!! And y'all have to be there both nights.
Daniel: ok then! Yes ma'am!!

The boys left and me and the girls decided to go to tender greens. I yelled in the house that I'm leaving and we left. We sat down and started to eat we laughed and talked then the girls went home and I went back to the house too.

Just imagine what will happen!! (Completed)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ