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Fresh fruits

Emily: alrighty. WERE FRESH FRUITS!! Who picked it and why??
Tara: I picked it!! Bc we can all have like our own fruit names instead of using our real names and we can have them on the back of like jackets and stuff. So we need to all pick what fruit we're gonna be.
Savvy: ok well first off. We can't compete with 5 girls. So maybe we should hold auditions!!??
Mckenna: ok I know y'all are gonna like hate me for this buttt. I don't think I am gonna be able to do this so maybe I could be y'all a manager??
Emily: if that's what you want!! Then you can do it!! But I'm tired and I think y'all should all go home and get some rest and get ready for school tmrw. Tmrw after school meet me at the studio cuz tmrw we're gonna start planning auditions. They're being held Wednesday.
Everyone except the traphouse: ok bye Emily.

They left and I went upstairs and grabbed a peice of paper and started to design the poster. I designed it and took a pic and posted it on our drill team Instagram. Then started a new one called fresh fruits. I posted it there too and climbed into bed. Soon after Jake opened my door and jumped on the bed with me.
Jake: I'm so happy for you baby!!
Emily: awe thanks babe. But im tired so I'm gonna go to bed. Love you
Jake: love you too

I fell asleep very quickly thinking about how in the hell im gonna do this.

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