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Skip to last week of school and graduation:

It was Monday morning. Finally it was the last week of school. I wasn't planning on going to college so this is basically the last week of school for ever as a student. I got up and decided this was the week I'm actually gonna try with my outfits. I got dressed (at the top) then curled my hair and woke Jake up for him to take me to school. Yeah I know I still don't have a car. I mean I have a drivers license but it's easier to just boss Jake around and have him drive me everywhere. He finally woke up. I grabbed my bag and we were off to rigde wood high. We got there and I kissed him goodbye. I walked in to be greeted by Saniyah and savvy running over to me. We walked to our first period while talking. We got there when all of the sudden I heard a ding go off on my phone. I checked it. It was a email. I went to sit with the rest of the girls and opened the email..

You know what I love cliffhangers lol. New chapter coming today 🙃

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