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i woke up with my head on mckenna and savvy laying on my legs. wow we had a night. the girls all woke up at the same time i did. i cehcked the time and realised we had 5 mins before the girls had to be here for practice.

emily: holy shit!! yall we have 5 mins!!! i guess we will just have to do practice in what were wearing!!

savvy: ok then lets go.

we started practice when the girls got here. in the middle of our new routines we were watching i saw jake walk through the door.

Emily: hey girls take 5 ill be right back.

i walked over to jake and just looked at him. he looked pretty rough.

Emily: What!?

Jake:i wanted to say sorry. i was super drunk last night and this girl walked up to me and took me upstairs. i dont know what was going through my mind at the time.

Emily: K.

i walked away from him and told the girls to get in positions.

Jake: babe please forgive me!!

Jake: babe!!

i kept ignoring him till i felt a sharp grip on my wrist.

Jake: BABE!!

Savvy: hey let go of her bitch!!

Mckenna: get out Cheater!!

i waved bye to him and he stormed out.

Emily: alright ladies get back to work. Our first performance is in 2 weeks. And we're doing this hip hop!!
Girls: yes ma'am

We worked till about 7 and I let them go. Saniyah Mckenna tara And Savvy stayed behind bc we were gonna go get some food. My phone was blowing up from Jake. I just blocked him. We got back from getting food and the girls went home while I went back to the studio. I decided to work on some dances then go to bed. I actually had bought a air mattress so it was more comfy then the floor lol.

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