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We started the trust fund baby routine and it went amaze!!! After the lights went black I ran to the curtains and put my dress on super quickly then got into my spot. And performed. I nailed my turns in second and all of my calypsos!! I was so happy. I ran off stage when the lights dimmed black and went to get my duet costume on with Saniyah. We were doing out of love by Alessia Cara. After Mckenna's solo we went on and performed. The lights dimmed black and me and Saniyah ran back stage and hugged each other. We were both on beat and didn't miss a step while didn't mess up. Some even might say that the dance was perfect. Me and the Lts went to get dressed for big plans wich was our second song from the boys. I hope they were enjoying it bc I sure wasn't. I was super stressed and kept having panic attacks trying to get everyone on stage and help people get dressed. Me and the Lts stepped on stage and started the jazz number to big plans. We did a couple other of our football numbers then we as a whole team performed cold in LA but we edited the sound to make it slower (if you don't understand what I'm saying it's at the top 🙃). We finished then we had our intermission. Now it was competion routines. We started the comp routines when the tap duets music started glitching. I ran up to the sound booth to see what was going on. The cd wasn't working. GREAT!!! But I had an idea that was probably the most stupid idea ever!! I went on stage we're the curtains were closed since we were trying to find out what was happening. I told Mckenna and Tara that we're gonna use a differant song but it was suprisingly the same beats and counts as the song before. They just agreed and didn't listen to the music as they thought for counts. We played the song.... sadly....

We love our friends by Sam and Colby

What am I doing with my life. Surprisingly the song worked out amazing and the tap routine was perf!! We went on with the show and performed in too deep then choose and ended with the last dance. Wich is basically you perform the opening of football games then bow and everyone claps. You should get it!!

I grabbed the mic and thanked everyone for coming and everything else. After the show I had to stay with the Lts and clean up and get ready for tmrw night. It was around 11 when we finished and I saw the guys all in the theater seats waiting for me. I ran to them and hugged them all.
Jake: holy shit that was amazing babe!!
Emily: awe thanks baby!!
Colby: hey you wanna know what my favorite part was!?
Emily: oh god what?
Colby: when we love our friends played.
Emily: ok umm yeah about that the music glitched and suprisingly that song went perfect with the beat. But I won't see you guys till tmrw night lol. There's a tradition here every year that when the first night of showcase is over. All the girls have to stay the night in the theater like a lock in and then in the morning we have to practice.
Colby: ok well I'll see you tmrw sis bye love you.
Emily: bye love you too.
I grabbed Jakes arm over while the guys were heading out and kissed him and hugged him. Emily: bye baby I love you
Jake: I love you too princess.
Jake left and I went back stage and met up with the girls. We grabbed some blankets and set them out in a dressing room then ordered a bunch of pizza. We had a super fun night then finally went to bed.

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