The Beginning

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*Sapphire in media*

"Yes, I know dad, I'll be careful," I said to my dad as I walk around the edge of our new boat. After working his ass off he finally got the boat he always wanted and we were taking it for a test run.

 After working his ass off he finally got the boat he always wanted and we were taking it for a test run

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"I just don't want you falling in my dear," He reassured me. I'm very clumsy and to be very honest I can't swim so I really need to watch myself.

"You know your clumsy already so get down from there please S," my best friend, Grey said holding out his hand for me. As I was making my way down I slipped and almost fell in but Grey caught me right in time

"See," he said and I rolled my eyes and went and sat down, we came to a stop and dad jumped in the water without hesitation.
"Ohhh the water is amazing come on Grey," my dad yelled and Grey dove in and they both disappeared towards the island in front of us.

I sat back and to in the view,in my peace of mind, I decide to sketch a little, when I heard a noise under the boat that cause me to jump, I looked around and saw nothing but clear water. My dad and Grey probably was on the island hunting you know guy stuff so I sat back down. But I heard the noise again and this time I saw something. I placed my sketch book aside and went to take a closer look when something came out the water causing me to jump back onto my seat screaming.

"You're such a wuss," Grey laughed.

"Ha ha very funny where's my dad?" I asked him annoyed holding onto my chest as Grey almost gave me a heart attack.

"He said he wanted to see if he could find a shell or something like that," he replied shaking himself off on me thank God I closed my book or he would've ruined my sketch.

"Ugh eww ewww,"I said getting up and trying to move away but everywhere I turn he follows.

"You're disgusting you know that right," I said laughing dropping back on the seat

"Oh, I know," he said walking closer to me and pulling me onto his bare chest, "But you love me still."

"True," I said looking up into his amazingly green eyes. He looked into mine then at my lips then back at my eyes then he crashed our lips together.

Grey an I have been best friends since kindergarten everyone always said we would've ended up together when we were older and we never taught it would turn out like that until one game of truth or dare at a friend's party. We were 15 years old and after that day we became something more than friends. He's the love of my life and I'm his.

He finally pulled away and smiled widely at me knowing I hate when he does that.

"Don't wanna get too carried away my love," He said smiling evilly at me.

"You're annoying," I said rolling my eyes. He gave me a kiss on my cheek and said that he knew he was. I smiled at the gesture and grabbed a towel and threw it at him and dried himself off then sat down next to me. He brought me onto his lap and we looked out at the sunset together enjoy each other's presences.

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