The Truth .2 Sap's part

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Sapphire's POV

"You don't even know what love is,let go of me,"I said again trying to pull away from her but her grip got tighter and this just made me angrier.

"No,"she said coming up in my face then all I saw was red. 

Hidey's POV 

"Sap,"I said cautiously as Sap breath heavily,"Calm down honey." I dropped her hand and she just breath heavily and that's when I noticed her changing. 

"Idciroc praecipio tibi ut nolite prohibere"I chanted and she screamed but was still turning which made me realized that her power is stronger. 

"Step,run!"I yelled at him as he just stood there like he just seen a ghost.I chanted once more then ran out. 

"What the hell is happening how did she trigger it,"Stephan asked me as we heard Sap growled. 

"Step,what happened to her within the last year?"I asked trying to understand how she triggered it. 

"Her boyfriend was kill in front of her and then so did his killer, they said it was and animal attack and they didn't understand how the animal didn't get at her but they said she was unconscious when they found her and the girl was..."he stopped and his eyes grew wide. 

"She killed her,"I said as I got up and walked back to the room I trapped her in,"Oh my poor baby, i shouldn't have left." All I felt was pain as i watched my only child look at me like she wanted to kill me but the fact that she went threw a lost like that and i wasn't here. 

"You had to leave to keep her safe,"Stephan said coming out from behind the wall and looking at her.

"And look where.."I pointed out.

"We can't do anything about it now but help her go threw this,"he said and hugged me. Sap stopped growling at us and just sat there looking at us like a sad puppy.

Sapphire's POV 

I woke up on the ground in the living room with no idea how I got there.My head was pounding like a bad hangover,as I came back to realization I saw my mom and dad sitting on the sofa in front of me.

"Sap,sweetie we need to tell you something,"my mom said as I tried getting up. 

"Okayyy,"I said as I slowly pulled  myself up using the chair behind me.

"I think we she should show her,"my dad said,"It would be better."

"Show me what?"I asked sitting on the chair holding my head.

"I need you to look at me Sappy,"my dad said coming closer to me and looked me in my eyes and as I looked at him i noticed his eye colour changed. I jumped back as i looked at my dad now wolf gold eyes even his pupils we like a wolf's. 

"H...Ho....Am how are you doing that?"i asked.

"Because I'm a wolf,"he said sitting back in his chair.

"Ha very funny dad,"I said sitting back laughing.

"Okay well looks like i'm doing this,"he said looking at my mom then getting up and going to the middle of the room.I looked at him weird and that when he yelled and i heard bones being cracked and all his clothes was torn,then the growl and I screamed, jumping up on the chair as i watched my dad turn into a big dog.

"How?...What the?..."I looked at my mom and she smiled. My dad walked up to me and sat in front of me,I slowly got down and sat back.He put his paw in my leg and i took it. He pulled me down and placed his head on mine.

"This is so cool,"I said in amazement.Dad left the room and went upstairs still in wolf form it's good it was night.He came back in with a new change of clothes and sat next to my mom.

"Are you one as well? am i one?"i asked my mom with excitement all now i forget i had a bad headache. 

"No am I'm not one,"she said with a smile.

"What are yo.."she cut me short and i saw her look at our vase with water on the tv stand and i followed her gaze and was shocked when I saw the flower from in it come out and moved to me resting in my hair.

"This is so cool,"I beamed,"But you didn't answer my question." They both looked at each other and it was the look you give someone when you wonder if you should tell them the truth.

"Guys, what am I?"i question.

"You are a one of a kind,"my dad said. 

"What do you mean?"I asked.

"You'er very powerful,"my mom said.

"Oh, so i'm a witch like you great,"I sound less excited which wasn't intend but I still didn't know where she stand in my life. 

"No honey, see yes you are very powerful but you am also brought out your wolf side."my dad said like he was afraid i'd ask how but i did and he and my mom exchanged looks. She got up and sat next to me then grabbed my head and i suddenly got back the headache i had but when it stopped i wasn't in my living room anymore i was in the park back home. I was about to ask what was going on when i saw a couple lay on the grass i walked closer to them and that's when i realized i was back to that day.I smiled as i looked at us as we hugged and within a seconds that smile changed and that's when all the pain came back and i watched as i walked up to her for her to shoot me and when she didn't i saw what i have been wondering from that year. I saw myself change just like my dad did and i attacked her.I placed my hand on mouth as i watched my wolf form kill her as she screamed for help then she went lifeless and so did i and i changed back to human but my clothes wasn't tore like my dad was it was normal i was fulled of blood and it looked like she bleed out on me as a pool of her blood was where i was then i came back to me living room.

My mom rest her hand in her lap and look down at the ground.

"So...I..."then I ran out and just kept running till i saw a park i dropped to ground and cried and scream as i came to terms that i killed someone and that's when i finally felt the wolf and i just cried more.

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