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Dean's POV

I've never seen people pack so fast,everything from books to herbs to clothes were all thrown into a suitcase and then in the car truck.

"You coming Dean?"Lily asked as she hopped in the car.

I nodded and got in,we drove up to a old mansion that was off the street where Sap and Lily came the other day.

"This place still up and running,how?"Sap's dad asked as he parked and got out, grabbing all the bags.

"How do you think I found you,"Lily said giving him a kiss on the cheek then helping him inside by opening the door.

I looked over at Sap and she was looking down at the ground while we walked in.

"How many people come live in here,"I asked looking around.

"100 or 200, I believe,"Lily said.

"Cool,"I said playfully to get Sap's attention but she didn't look up instead she just walked up the stairs.

"I'll go talk to her,"Lily sighed and followed behind Sap.

"I have one question,did you know he was alive,"Sap's dad said as he stood deadky close to me.

"No sir,I didn't,"I said swollowing hard. Stephan didn't scare me but right now he looked like he'd kill me with no hesitation and I have to say it creeped me out.

"Call me Steph,"he said and I looked at him confused,"Hurt my daughter again an I'll kill I don't care about y'all prophecy."

"What prophecy?"I asked confused.

"You don't know?"he asked,"Damn the least Rein could've done was tell you the prophecy, come on."

Hidey's POV

I looked all over for Sap and couldn't find her which indicated to me that she figured out how to wolf speed. I decided to look in the garden and then I found her crawled up next to one of the fountains.

"I thought he was dead ,I was a mess and this entire time he was alive and plotting to kill me,"she said as I got next to her,"I'm ready to train I refuse to be weak anymore."

She got up and wiped her face looking at me. I took her into my arms and told her we'll begin in the morning.

"Okay I'm gonna go to bed now," she said and left me.

"I promise on my ancestors I will end you Rein even if it takes the last breath out my body,"I said to myself the walked back into the house.

Sap's POV

After thinking of which room I should stay in for about a hour straight, I wondered into a room that looked so beautiful. The walls were dark blue,with a king size bed in the middle of the room. Everything was so ancient but so beautiful at the same time. I was so caught up in looking around the round the room that I didn't realize that Dean was standing behind me until he cleared his throat causing me to jump.

"Of all the rooms you end up in mine I wonder why is that,"he said walking up to me and grabbed my pulling me to him.

"I don't even know,"I say wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Are you okay?"he questioned resting his forehead on mine.

"No but I will be,"I said breathlessly. Dean always did that to me,he made me nervous and brave at the same time.

"You sure?"he said worried. I pulled back and looked him in his eyes then I brought him in for a kiss. He kissed me so gently like I would break if he didn't then he pulled away.

"Let's get you into a warm bath,"he said and pulled me into the bathroom.

Sapphire (Afterlife Book 1)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora