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The more I trained was the more I felt alive,like all these years something was missing inside me and I recently found it. Its been a week and nothing happened but we didn't trust that they won't waiting for us.

"I've asked a friend to join us,"Hanna said coming onto the field where mom Dean and I were. Dad wasn't feeling good today so mom told him rest but he decided to rest in the art room which is huge by the way. One of my favorite places in this mansion other than the music and weapons room.

"Claire," mom said running to her.

Claire laughed and hugged her back,"Hi Lil,hey Sapphire."

"Damn so is everyone you introduced me to are wolves?" I asked Hanna.

"Darling I'm not a wolf,"Claire said smiling widely.

"Then what are you?"I questioned curiously.

"Come and I'll show you,"I got up and went to her. She took me hand and bite it drawing blood from it.

"What the hell?" I held my hand then looked up and saw it. She turned into me.

"I'm a shape shifter,"she said smiling widely,"Which is a added plus to my witch abilities."

"Yo that's so cool,"Dean said wide eyed.

"Yes it is," Hanna and mom said in union.

"Okay creepy change back now," I said and she did.

"I don't have to draw blood though I can just touch,"she said touching my mom and turning,"And look."

"Then why?"

"I needed to see if you were worth myself getting killed for,"she said calmly,"You are so what are we doing."

I heard Dean laugh and I slapped his arm.

"Hey,"he said holding where I hit him.

"Not funny,"I said and he kissed my cheek.

"Yes it was,"he said then ran off in wolf speed.

"They need the break,"I heard my mom say as Hanna, Claire and her got up and went inside. I got up and followed Dean as I saw him run into the trees.

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