Lust or Love

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Rein's POV

"Their death mistress," "Divina said as she stepped into my office.

"Who's dead,"Grey said walking in.

"What the hell are you doing here,"I said furious and getting up from my seat to rush to him.

"Calm down Rein,"He said and taking a seat.

"Dismissed,"I said to Divina and she left.

"What do you want?"I asked walking back and siting in my seat.

"Sir,"he replied,"Say it."

This bitch really annoyed my but I won't kill him as he's in my son's body,after I get what I want he's as good as dead.

"Sir,"I said annoyed and he laughed.

" I'm just messing with you baby,"he said getting up and walking to my door and locked it,"I missed you."

I have to admit though I missed Grey but because his sex is heavenly,that man could make a bitch his slave with the sex game he got going on there.
He walked up to me and lead in to kiss me but I pushed him away.

"I'm not fucking you while you're in my son's body,"I said and he chuckled grabbed my face so that I'm deadly close to him.

"Fine but remember my queen soon our wedding bells will be heard and I'll be out this God awful body and I'll fuck you till you can't move,"he says then place a kiss on my cheek and vanished.

I really can't wait to kill him.

"You're fucking marrying him?" I heard a furious Luicus say behind me.

"Let me explain Luio,"I said turning to see him with a bouquet of Black roses my favorite.

"No,"he yelled throwing the flowers across the room,"I fucking fell in love with you and I thought you felt the same but I guess not so I'm out have fun at the wedding." He was about to leave when I grabbed him.

"Please don't go,"I said and I felt like tears were in my eyes,he looked at me and grabbed my face like he was about to kiss me but didn't.

"Give me a good reason,"he whispered. I wanted to tell him because I can't handle losing him but my brain wouldn't let me.

"Exactly,"he said then vanished. I wasn't sure why I felt like my heart was ripped out of my chest but I did.

I love Luicus and my stupid fear of being hurt caused me to lose him.
"I Love Luicus,"I said to myself the dropped into my chair crying.



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