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"Oh shit," my dad said annoyed,"Leave Rein you are unwelcomed here."

"Oh I missed you Step,"the woman said laughing.

"Leave!" My mom yelled pushing me behind her.

"Now thats not the way to treat your best friend,"the woman said walking up to me and my mom.

"Hi darling aren't you beautiful,"she said extending her hand to touch me but I mom caught it.

"Leave!"mom yelled,"Now!"

"Okay I'll go,"she said and turned to leave but stopped,"Don't worry we'll have our time Sapphire and when we do it will be the last you'll see of me." She laughed and walked away disappearing into the night.

"Stephan get Phire in the house and you both stay there,"my mom said and my dad obeyed. We got into the house and when I looked through the front window my mom was gone.

I walked into the living room to find mydad paste back and forth. He was mumbling to himself then he stopped and look at me.

"You need to learn the truth,"he said sitting down.

Hidey's POV

I'm about to kill that bitch,I missed my child growing up because of her. I vented to myself as I followed Rein's trail.

"Took you long enough,"Rein said as I walked up her drive way. She was sitting on her porch like she knew I'd follow her.

"What do you want Rein?" I asked her,"Haven't you done enough?"

"Oh lil I'm just getting started," Rein said laughing and getting up," You see I will not stop until I take her away from you as well,I lost mine you must lose yours it only fair."

"What the hell you talking about crazy bitch?" I asked confused.

"Oh well let me enlighten you seen you know you weren't around,"she walked up to me,"Your daughter took mine away from me so imma take here from you." She laughed and that when it all came to me.

"She didn't know Rein," I sighed.

"That!" She yelled with tears in her eyes the calm down,"Doesn't bring her back."

"And killing my baby would," I pointed out showing her how stupid she was being.

She laughed,"You took Stephan from me and I let it go but when your daughter took my Cassy away from me it was war,but I wouldn't kill her now."

"You would have to kill me first,"I said getting in her face.

"That could be arranged,"she whispered then walked back up her driceway, that's when I heard growling behind me. There where five wolves circled behind me.

"Still a wimp I see!" I yelled at her as stopped in her tracks and turned to look at me now,"You bark was always much worst than you bite."

She signaled and they attacked,I lifted my arms and sent then all flying.

"Come on babygirl you gotta do better than that,"I said smiling as one of the wolves got up and charged at me. I stopped it before it reached me and I broke it's bone causing it to cry out in pain. Two more did the same and they both flew into a tree and was laying lifeless on the ground. Howls where sound and I saw a tear fall from Rein's eye.

"You'll pay for that bitch,"she said and she changed.

I smiled as I was ready to put her down but an instant headache causing me to drop to the ground screaming in pain. Rein had a witch among her and she must be very old. I held my head and fell my life slipping.

Then the pain stopped, I tried to get back up but I was brought right back down by one of her wolves. He growled awaiting command and was about to bite me when he was pushed away with a force. A black wolf came out of nowhere and stood next to me now.

"What are you doing boy?"Rein yelled at the wolf but he stood strong. He was much bigger than the rest of them which told me he was to be the new alpha but why help me.

"Enough mother!"he yelled and I noticed the voice. He helped me up and on to his back.

"If you leave with her boy you might as well never return!" Rein yelled walking up to us.

"Then it looks like I'm homeless,"he said, turning away from her. He attacked any wolf that came in his way ensuring that I wouldn't fall,then he took off running.

Before he could reach far I heard her yell his name then I blacked out.

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