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"Come on Sap you're not even trying,"my dad said slighty annoyed.

"Dad it's been six hours,I can't do it,"I said matching his tone

"The child is exhausted Stephan let her rest,"my mom said.

"We don't have time for rest Rein."

"We're done for today hunny go rest,"mom said interrupting dad and walking back in the house. Dad sighed and ran after her.

Dean walked up to me and kissed me on my cheek.

"What was that for?"I said smiling widely.

He took my hand and kissed them,"You I love you right,very much."

"I love you too,"I say smiling.

"Then try for me, if not for your mom and dad, for me because I can't lose you Fire,"he said laying his forehead on mine.

"You can you just don't want to,"he said dropping my hand and looking at me,"You could do anything you put your mind to I believe in you." He pecked my lips then walking into the house. Now I was left alone in the back yard just staring at the sky. I gathered my thoughts and tried again and again and again but still nothing so I decided to go get something to eat. I walked into the kitchen and got a chocolate bar then walked over to the piano and started playing when I heard a growl. I ignore it at first because I thought it was my dad. Then I heard it again and turned around.

"Dad,Dean guys it's not funny,"I said getting up and looking around. Although it was 3 in the afternoon the  ball room was kind of dark because of the thick drapes but I could still see. The growl got closer and that's when I saw it a huge gray and black wolf in front of me. I stood strong and it just growled at me from across the room.

"How did you get in?"I asked steping lightly towards it and it charged at me sending me flying in the air. I fell on my arm and groaned in pain but I got up quick to get thrown again. This time I hit the wall really hard and I was pissed now. I stood up slowly and the wolf was now just standing looking at me then it charged again and that's when I felt the change, stopped the wolf. We scrambled on the floor that's when I heard Hanna's voice and I looked at the wolf who stopped to fight.

"You did it,"I heard her say excited then she changed back but was fully clothed. I changed back and she placed a robe on me that was thrown to her by my dad. I wrapped myself in it an got up.

"Hanna?"I said unsure of what was going on.

"Hey girly,"she hugged me tight.

"Lily!"she screamed and ran to my mom hugging her,"Hey Step,Dean."

"You know me?" Dean questioned while I stood there looking lost.

"Yes my child I was there when your mother adopted you,"Hanna said,"Rein,Lily and I were best friend since 1862, I helped rasie you until you were 8, after you're mother heard of Lily's absence she wasn't the same she was mean and would try to get with Step."she paused and walked over to the piano and started playing then stopped.

"I called her out on it and she had her puppets burn my house down with my and kids were human,"she wiped her tear and mom sat next to her and comforted her.

"I found Hanna four years ago at a bar she was so drunk that she thought I was a ghost, I took her to my place and when she sober up and release I wasn't a ghost she broke down and told me everything,"mom sniffed looking at us,"We lived together from then when I moved back here she came with me and we stayed here,your father contacted me and told me he was moving here and Hanna offered to keep and eye on you."

"Dean I knew of your mother's plans, I knew what you was sent to do but I also knew that you wouldn't harm Sapphire because of how you look at her," Hanna said turning to face us now.

"So you mean to tell me that Rein killed your family,she tried to kill my mother and she's trying to kill Dean for loving me,"I pointed out,"The bitch dead now and we need to get back to training mom you need to show me how to you my powers she's not hurting the people I love anymore ."

Sapphire (Afterlife Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now