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Sapphire's POV

Dean's been acting really weird lately at first i thought he was just playing but it been two weeks and something feels different and everyone can see it. Hanna told me that when she touch him she say him trapped in a cell screaming for help but i assumed it was one of his past experiences she saw so i didn't bother to ask him.

"Come Dean put your back into it!"My dad yelled at him as they ran laps around the field.

"hey hunny,"Mom said bring out her books.

"Does Dean seem different to you?"I asked my mom.

"He's Dean hunny just ask him we all know you got that boy around your fingers,"She laughed,"Come on let's start."

After two hours of learning how to bring back a dead flower and bird my mom and i were now eating in the garden looking at the sun set. Hanna and Claire joined us and we were all laughing as they told me of their lives together. 

"I wish i find a friendship like you all,"I said.

"Oh darling don't get it twist we've had our fear of fights and bloodshed literally,"Hanna said and they all laughed.

"The first time i met hanna she tried to bite me,"My mom said laughing at the thought. 

"In all fairness you did snap my neck,"Hanna denfed. 

"Yes I did and I'm sorry and I love you," Mom said hugging onto Hanna as she laughed and pushed her off.

"Wait you can wolf out without actually turning?"I asked curiously

"You have to accept what you are and it come naturally,"Hanna said and when i was about to ask her to show me Dean came in. 

"Sorry to interrupt but can i steal Sap for a while," My mom looked at me as if he was asking if he was okay. Dean always called me Fire so it's weird he keeps calling me Sap and everyone felt it.

"Sure Darling just be safe it's getting dark please be back here before that,"Mom said.

"I was planning to take her to the beach a lot of people would be there so no harm will come to us,"Dean reassured. 

"Let them go Lily the children have been locked up in here for too long,"Hanna said getting up and leaving with Claire. 

"Okay but please be safe,"Mom hugged me. 

"Watch him careful something's not right,"I heard her say in my head, I let go and nod my head and she went inside.

"Okay so what beach?"I asked turning to face him now.

"It's a surprise you'll love it,"He said and pulling me in and out the house to the car. He packed a bag for me already so we just left.

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