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Sapphire's POV

"Dad what is it?" I asked as I sat next to him.

"Your not just a wolf pumpkin,"he said bubbling his leg up and down. Dad only did that when he was anxious about something.

"You're the white wolf meaning you're the most powerful of us all,"he paused," Which makes you very valuable in the black market."

I looked at him but didn't say anything.

"Your blood can create hybrids the most deadly of us and the can possess a type of power that could ruin us,"my dad said and now I was the one to paste up and down.

"Your mother left to protect you,she thought if she faked her death that you would be safe,but when you killed that girl," he stopped again this time he cupped his face,"I tried so hard so that you wouldn't be in this world."

He was crying now,I took his hand and looked at him,"We are one and I will ensure no harm comes to any of us you can't hide me anymore dad I'm a part of this world and the best thing I should do is accept it." I hugged him and then we head something.

Dad flew up and ran to the noise that was coming from the back yard. As we got out we found a high black wolf and my mom on its back.

"What happened?"my dad asked the wolf as it came down for him to get a hold of my mom. He took her into his arms,mom was passed out but she was okay. Dad thanked the wolf and left taking my mom in.

I looked at the wolf carefully and I noticed it was the same one from earlier on. I walked up to it and rubbed it's head,and I gave it a kiss.

"Thank you for saving my mom,"I said and the wolf howled. Dad came back out running like a crazy person.

"She's not waking up darling I need you,"he said as he pulled me inside. The wolf followed us in,I was surprised he had fit and wondered why he didn't change back.

We got in and I saw my mom laying on the couch she looked pale.

"I need you to wake her,"dad said looking at me.

"Me?...but i...." He pulled me down and told me to focus. I placed my hand on my mother and I calmed my mind. A bolt of energy raced through me and the room lit up,my mom's body lifted into the air and then it fell back onto the couch easily.

"You did it pumpkin,"he said as I watch all the cuts and bruises on my mom's body fade and her colour came back in her face.

"We must leave her now,"dad said and he dragged me out the room. He left the wolf in there as it didn't want to move.

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