Stretch / Jake Armstrong x Reader

781 10 1

Episode Name: My hero..
TW: None 


I walked to Jake's apartment for the first time since our last project. Sure.. I've been avoiding him for.. reasons but I was sorta forced to talk with him again. 

"Stupid project.." I mumble, my hot breath creating swirls of mist in the cold air. I walked more shivering again, I knew it was cold, but I still forgot my sweater.. all I had was this scarf. I dug my face into it, last thing from my mother. I sigh at the memory of her. 

Just as I was going around the corner someone dragged me into the alley holding a knife near my chest. My breath hitched as the male said.

"You're a pretty one.. How about you give me everything and I'll let you on your way"

Just as I was about to reach for my purse I heard a thud of a body hitting the floor. I opened my eyes, which I didn't know I had clenched shut to see Stretch infront of me. 

"Y/N! Are you alright?" He asks and I become confused.

"We've never meet before... how do you know my name?..." I say skepticly.


Jake POV

'Stupid stupid stupid! Just because you like her doesn't mean you should use her name as Stretch!' I mentally scolded myself.

"Well?" She says.

"I uh.." I panic.

"Fine.. just another secret in my life.." She says going to walk away, but I pull her back to me. 'She is just so pretty..' I think.

"Why are you out here in the cold anyways.." I know the answer but I feel more confident as Stretch.

"I'm just going to a friend's to finish up a project.. which in my opinion is stupid.." She then rambles on about the project which I find adorable. 

"Oh! the time I better get going! Jake will be worried!" She says trying to walk away again. This time when I pull her back to me I kiss her. It was short but sweet, our lips seemed to fit perfectly.. 

"Uh..." She blushes after we pull away. 

"You know.. Jake is standing right here.." I smile to her making her confused then she makes and 'o' with her mouth and becomes beet red.


'I just kissed Stretch.. no Jake.. both?.. I'm so shocked right now..' I think pondering about how he could possibly be a superhero.

"We-ell.. We uh.. better get to doi-ing that project... huh?.." I stutter out, cold and hot at the same time. 

Jake smiles "Meet me upstairs." he stretches to his balconey and I race inside to meet him at his apartment. My (h/l) (h/c) blowing past me as I run up the stairs. 'Who cares about elevators I can think longer here' I think. Then I stop. 'He's.. my hero.' I smile to myself. I reach his door and I knock, then we start on the project, sharing kisses and cuddle when we talk or share great ideas.

"So does this mean I'm your girlfriend?" I mutter quietly

"Hmm what was that?" he jokes

"You heard me.." I blush in his arms.

"Sure princess." He kisses my head and I smile to myself.


A/N Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ya. Fun right? I tried. XD ;w;

Be sure to leave suggestions in the comments and I might pick it..

Stretch Armstrong and the Flex Fighters x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now