Jake/Stretch X Hero!Reader

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Episode Name: Extra Help
TW: None


Jake had told me to meet him somewhere today, but I had completely forgot when another monster had begun attacking the city. Being (H/N) I knew I had to protect the citizens. I slipped into a nearby alley and I changed into my hero outfit. I was quick on my feet to make my way downtown to the Monster, I glanced around for the other heroes in this town, but they were not anywhere in sight. 

I sighed to myself lightly. "Looks like it's going to be just me!" I frowned my brow

"Hey ugly! Over here!" I yelled throwing my voice a little, the monster looked around in confusion and I took this to my advantage.

I use my bow and arrows to shoot around it, I used explosive arrows that stuck inside his skin and with the press of a button my suit they all blew up all in a row. I smiled to myself, but when the smoke clear the Monster just looked more mad. Worried filled my eyes as I ran down the street to rethink my approach. In a nearby building a young man had fallen out of his balcony. I raced over and I flew upward with my rocket boots, catching him. When I studied his face I recognized him almost instantly. Jake Armstrong. The boy I had been crushing on hard since third grade. 

My rocket boots floated us down to the floor, my eyes masked eyes never leaving his. I set him on the ground and a blush creeped onto my face. 

"Uh.. You should get far away from here young citizen!" I say using my voice changer, Jake nodded and left.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and I quickly went back to take care of the Monster, only a few minutes later the Flex Fighters showed up. I smiled toward them and I use my voice changer.

"Took you all long enough!" I yelled at them.

"Enough talking lets take out this monster before he caused more chaos." Wingspan says, worried.

I nod and we all fight, Wingspan taking on the monster from the air, Omnimass, Stretch and I taking a ground approach. We all used our powers and suddenly an idea arose. Stretch and I look at each other. The monster seemed to be afraid of water, it was made out of some type of goo. With quick thinking, we all lead it toward the sea. When it got close enough I set bombs down without it noticing. Once he was in position everyone backed off and the explosive exploded on my command, then the ground gave way and before the monster could even grab at the ledge it fell into the water. It disintegrated and Rook and his team began collecting the goo remains.

He thanked Stretch and the Team. I frowned as I was left in the background. Stretch noticed and I smiled to him, my mouth piece taken off and I left. I put my mouth piece back on and I stood on a roof near where Stretch was talking to Rook. I turned to leave but someone called my name, my hero name. "(H/N)!"

I turned around to see Stretch. "I'm sorry Rook didn't include you, you basically came up with the whole idea.." Stretch said rubbing the back of his neck.

I nod slowly. "It's alright." I say using my voice changer again.

"If I could.. I would like to ask you something?.." Stretch said sorta unsure.

I nod for him to continue.

"Well.. I. I've had a crush on you for a while and I was wondering if you would go on a date with me.. Maybe without masks??" He said hopefulness filling his eyes.

"Oh.. I can't. I don't like you that way.. I like someone who goes to my school.." I frown and his eye's fill with sadness, the color sorta fades from his eyes.

"O-oh.." He frowns. 

"I'm sorry.." I frown.

"It's probably for the best.. I mean I don't even know your real name.." He says and I nod.

"Goodbye Stretch.. until next time." I bow and I make a quick exit.

I felt sorry for him of course. I didn't mean for his feelings to be hurt. The only problem was I have devoted my heart to Jake.

I sigh "Did I make a mistake?..." I look at the night sky.

I shake my head and I go home.





A/N Part 2??

Stretch Armstrong and the Flex Fighters x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now