Jake Armstrong x Depressed/Abused!Reader

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Episode Name: Don't be sad..
TW: The mention of self-harm and abusive parents.


I sat in the closet crying my eyes out and trying to ignore the pain. I hear yelling from downstairs and I sigh. Wiping my face with my sleeve. I make myself comfortable in the closet and I fall asleep not wanting them to find me.


I hear my alarm go off and I sigh, I rise from where I lay and I change into my uniform in the closet. I get out and I grab my sweater and I put it over my uniform. I quietly but quickly walk down the stairs, I grab my bag by the door and I swiftly leave. I walk down the street ignoring all the whistling toward me. Once I make it to the front of the school I put on a fake smile and I walk inside toward my locker "skipping" as if I was happy. I make it to my locker and I swing it open to find my stuff, my nice locker decorated as usual. I smile to myself. I grab my science book and I put it into my bag. Then I feel a tap on my shoulder. 

"Hey N/N" I recognize the voice as Jake's

I swiftly turn around and I hug him. He chuckles and hugs me back.

"H-hey.. J-ja-ake.." I stutter out my voice still sore from screaming and crying. 

"You okay? You're stuttering more then normal" He smirks.

"No reason.." I croak out and I release from the hug. 

He sighs. 'Must of had more chores added to his list..' I think sadly.

"So shall we go to class?" He asks and I nod timidly.

I shut my locker and I walk to class with my friend. Once we get inside I huff annoyed. I sit at my seat and class starts.

~End of School~

I race out to my locker. 'I'm going to be late.. they're going to hit me again!' I think as I rush to open my locker and place my stuff inside. Jake notices and leaves his friend group. 

"Y/N What happened?" He says concerned.

"Nothing! I am just late. I need to get home.." I say a bit louder then usual.

"We just got out of class how can you be late?" He says questionably. 

"I j-just.. they're going to hit me.." I mutter sadly and really soft almost a whisper, barely aduible.

"Who?..." Jake whispers not wanting to know the answer, probally already knowing.

"M-my parents.." I mutter looking to the floor, my eyes watering.

"You're not going home.." He mutters and takes my hand, squeezing it. 

He waves by to his friends dropping my hand, I shut my locker and grab my bag, we walk to his house and I smile an actual smile in a while. 

"Jake.." I mutter and he hums in response.

"You're mad aren't you." I mumble.

"N-no. I'm not!.." He says loudly, making me not believe him.

I sigh and we reach his house. We enter and he says I can sleep in his bed, he'll sleep on the couch. I agrue but he dismisses it. I groan.

"My parents will be looking for me..." I mutter to him.

"Well they won't find you here and if they do I'll make sure they don't take you." He states clearly making me blush.

"O-okay.." I sigh.

"What did they do to you?.." He says worried.

I look to him, eyes watering. I remove my sweater, I remove the blue jacket and I roll up my sleeves. I show him my cuts, from me and the bruises on my arms from them punching me. He gasps and comes closer to me, tears drop from my eyes and he hugs me tight. 

"I'm so sorry.. I wish I noticed sooner.." he mumbles.

"It's fine.. no one noticed.. I am just glad you noticed when you did." I mumble and he kisses my head. 

I blush a deep crimson, I chuckle and he notices my blush. 

"Youu like me~~" He sings and I poke his nose. 

"Of course I d-do.." I giggle. 

He blushes and kisses my cheek. I gasp and I say "You misseddd~."

"Oh did I now." He chuckles and places a soft kiss on my lips. I kiss back eagerly.

"I am glad you like me.." I mutter breaking the kiss. 

"Yeah.. same here.." He mutters back resting his chin on my head. 

"Even though you're a child sometimes." I giggle breaking from his hug. 

He puts a hand on his heart. 

"I'm hurt Y/N.. I'm actually hurt.." He fake cries and I kiss his cheek.

"Better?" I blush a tint of pink along with him.

He nods and I sit on his couch, he puts on a movie and we cuddle, I start to fall asleep my head resting on his shoulder. Just tired from all the crying and screaming from last night has made me exhausted. He kisses my forehead.

"Good night..."

I hear him mutter before being whisked off into a dreamless sleep.


Idk I don't think I did good on this one XD RIP.

Stretch Armstrong and the Flex Fighters x ReaderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz