Wingspan x Villian!Reader

547 12 1

Episode Name: Villianous Love
TW: None

A/N: Villian Name: V/N


I run, flipping in the air, jumping roof from roof. "Will these Flex Fighters ever get off my tail!" I mumble my mask not letting any words come through to the world.

"Get back here V/N!" The winged one yells.

I just chuckle "What all I did was steal some chemicals" I say using a voice changer.

"Important ones!" The leader replies and the chase continues.

This time instead of jumpping to the next roof, I wait till they come closer to me and I flip over them, smirking to myself, once I land I run the other way jumpping down into an alley, loosing them.

"Ha. I may not have powers like them, but I can still steal things for my eyes." I say and I run home to my lab.

I swing open the door, "Ah home sweet home! Hello chemicals meet your new brothers!" I say, I remove my face mask. "Now time to fix this." I say holding up a mirror to show my eyes, which are competely white as if I was blind with "lightning cracks" in them. I sigh and start to mix a few chemicals. The substances become a nice F/C color. I smile "Just like the book says!" I drink it in a big gulp. The "potion" was a dud. "Ugh! Now I need more chemicals!" I groan.

I take off my suit "Tomorrow, I'll do it tomorrow." I go to bed.

~Next Day~

I jump out the window onto another roof and I run to the nearest lab, which is Rook's. I perch on a nearby roof and shoot one of my explosive arrows at the window, it explodes the window and a bit of the wall, I jump though the opening, I look through vials until I hear footsteps behind me. I use my voice changer

"You'll have to try better then that Flex Fighters." I yell turning around stuffing a few vials into my bag. I clip it shut and take out my two swords. "Soo. Where did ya go." I walk out of the chemical room and out to the work place with the centrifuges. I look around but before I could run to get out Wingspan jumps onto me pinning me to the floor. 

"Can't escape now V/N" He chuckles and I blush.

"Maybe I can't but I can do this." I make the mouth piece of my mask pop off with a button on my suit near my hand. I smash my lips onto his making him loosing his grip. I kick him off of me and I run to the hole, I smile to him my mouth piece still off, I put it back on.

"You're a good kisser.." I say with the voice changer and I drop a smoke bomb leaving a nice love note on the floor.

Wingspan's POV

'She got away..' I think and I go over to the hole to find a note. I pick it up and read it:

"Dear Wingspan.

I know I am a villain to you, but I want to be more. We've fought for a while but I've always had my eye on you. You are just so fun to fight with. I can't believe I had time to write this down. I think we should meet up. Also just a disclaimer. I am a high schooler. You seem young too maybe my age. 

Meet me tomorrow at 9:00 near the ocean. By the docks.


I blush at the note. "Maybe.."

Then I hear Jake call me so I run over to him hiding the note in my fist.


Two in one day. Wow I am on a roll!

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