WingSpan x Depressed!Reader

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Episode Name: Don't do it....
TW: Suicide mentions.

A/N: Please if you are depressed and if you feel the need to hurt yourself or end your life, call this line: 1-800-273-8255. Thanks. Stay safe.


I sat on top of this building alone. It was one of the highest buildings in Carter City. I wrote out my will on my phone in my notepad. I made sure to add Nathan and my other friends. I sigh at the writing. Tears stream down my cheeks, I wipe them away.

"They wanted this.." I mumble, I get up leaving the notepad and pencil on the floor near the door.

I go up to the edge. I see people down below, they look like ants. I know one of them will call 911 or something, but it will be to late. I Inhale on last time before I step up to the edge. I think of my dead family and my friends who say they love me.. I remember all the good times we have had. More tears stream my cheeks.

'Is this a good idea..?' I say now since it is real now.

I nod to myself, I lift one foot up, panic now setting in. I put it down on the ledge again.

"Bye.. world.. Bye.. my love... Nathan.."

I mumble before I lift my foot again, I put it over the edge this time and I let my weight make me fall off the building. I feel the wind rush past me and I wait for impact of the floor, I feel my tears roll halfway down my cheeks and fly off because of the wind. I sigh, still waiting for the impact, but it never comes, two arms wrap around my body. My eyes snap open to see green.

'Wingspan..' I think.

We fall a little before he flips me onto his back, I hold onto his neck, trying not to panic. I hear him sigh and his breath get a little heavy, as if he is going to cry. We land on the roof I was just on. He grabs the notepad and looks at it. I sit there in awe at the hero.

'He saved me... why would HE of all people.. save ME..' I think to myself crying.

"Y/N.. why would you even come up here..." He mumbles and my eyes snap to the hero.

"How.. how.." I can't form words, probably because of shock and my hurt throat.

"It's me Y/N..." He mumbles removing his mask, his eyes glossy and a few tears falling from his beautiful brown eyes.

I start sobbing again. My head in my hands.

"I can't.. I can't.. this.. to much.." I say not being able to make sentences.

He hugs me tight.

'He cares.. He has always cared.. why didn't I see it...' My sobs get louder as I hold onto Nathan tight.

"I love you Y/N!..." He cries.

I say it back, my words muffled by his shoulder, he seems to get it and he moves back away from me and lifts up my chin, tears still running from both of our eyes. He brings his lips to mine and we kiss, it was sweet and his lips were soft, fitting perfectly with mine.

I blush and we break. I hug him tighter.

"I'm.. I'm.. so-sorry.." I stutter my throat still in pain, but he smiles sadly.

I sadly smile back at him.

"Lets get of this building now..." He mutters placing on his mask again.

I nod and I wrap my arms loosely around his neck. He glides us down to the floor. I smile to him, having to look up. He lets out a calming sigh and we go to an alley, he removes his mask and we walk to his home. We smile and joke, kissing and hugging along the way. He holds my hand and I smile to myself.

"I'm feel better now that I have you.." I smile sadly to myself.

He hugs me and nods. "Me too.. me too.." he mumbles into my hair.

I wrap my arms around him a tear rolling down my cheek and landing on the concrete floor below.

"Thank you.."

"Anything for you..."


Wow, this made me cry, sorry for the short update.

Also if you are hurt or are wanting for commit. Please cal the number provided in this story. Thanks. Stay safe my monsters.

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