Jake Armstrong x Scared!Reader

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Episode Name: Fraidy Cat
TW: Mentions of blood but, you shouldn't get scared by my writing... I hope.


Jake, Nathan and Ricardo invited me over to watch a scary movie.. at.. Ricardo's house and it's a sleepover.. What I didn't tell them is.. I can't handly scary movies, I just said yes not to look like a scary cat or whatever..

I sigh walking down the street, in my normal attire. I had in my hand a duffle bag filled with candies, snacks, two changes of clothes, since I am clumsy, my pillow and my blanket. My phone was in my pocket while the phone charger and earbuds where in a small compartment inside the bag. I smirked at the bag in my hand.

 "Did I bring to much.." I mumble, stopping in the middle of the sidewalk.

I just shake my head and continue to walk to Ricardo's place, once I arrive I swiftly knock on the door in my childish maner. I had a big smile on my face to hide the fact I was scared out of my MIND. I wait for someone to open the door, then I hear a click breaking me from my gaze of the door. It opened to reveal Nathan.

 "Hey N/N" he chuckles inviting me inside. 

I smile to him and I look around Ricardo's apartment. 

"Nice place." I say toward Ricardo sitting on the couch.

"Thanks Y/N. Now ground rules.. There is only one. No going into my parent's room, they aren't here but still. SO just set up here and lets get this "sleepover" or whatever started!" He says with air quotes around sleepover.

I chuckle at the male. Then my eyes wander to Jake. I blush at his expression, which is just a smile. I sigh to myself.

'Get it togheter N/N' I think.

I walk over to the couch and I remove my pillow and blanket from my bag and I set it aside. I remove my phone charger, I walk away from where I stand and I go toward the kitchen. It's dark but I just use my phone as a light, I find an outlet and I plug it in. As I do I hear the movie start and Jake yell. 

"Better hurry up N/N!" he says.

I chuckle and I plug my phone into the charger leaving it there and heading back to the living room. I sit down on the couch next to Jake, while Nathan sits on the one opposite from us with Ricardo next to him a few seats away. Of course me knowing I'll get scared I sit on the seat DIRECTLY next to Jake. I blush as I can feel heat radiating from his body. 

'Why did I sit this close..' I think and I focus on the bloody picture. Zombies with decaying limbs with dead sickly facal features chase after the protagonist and others. I watch as the protagonist makes a run for it when his friend is bitten by a zombie spraying blood all over the camera. I gag quietly to not make the others pay attention. The protagonist is then found by other suvivors, he joins them and they hit the heads of the zombies, stabbing and cutting them too. Aswell as shooting them. Nathan and Ricardo seem to enjoy movies like this and Jake seems to not care, but he is sucked into the movie and won't take his eyes of it. I sigh I force my eyes back to the screen, I see a big splash of blood on the screen from the zombies, I yelp and only Jake noticed. 

"Y/N.. are you scared?.." he whispers to me

I can't speak so I shake my head 'no', I know he doesn't believe me but he leaves me alone. As I watch the movie more more blood sprays, more zombies appear and they are no were close to the safe point. They take a rest near an old gas station, raiding it of its goods, water, food and anything they could use. I shake a bit as a zombie creeps into the station, it then trips over one of the suvivors and it crawls toward him, jumping ontop of him eating his face off. It shows it and it is all bloody and bones along with the muscles show through. I yelp again a bit louder this time, Nathan turns to notice my state, Jake also notices and Nathan smiles sadly at me and Jake taps me. 

"You sure.. You're shaking a lot.." He said, his expression looking very concerned.

"I-i m-m-igh-ht be-e a bi-it scar-red.." I mumble and he sighs.

He warps an arm around me and I lean my head on his shoulder. I blush at the contact, but he doesn't notice since it is dark. Jake then covers me up with his blanket both of us under it. I blush more and now he notices. He just chuckles.

"You know you are blushing right." He whispers

"I uh.." I mumble trying to come up with an excuse but he just kissed my head.

"It's fine.. I like you too.." He says.

I look up to him to see his face is tinted pink and I smile to him. I take my eyes off him and I point them toward the TV, the movie is still playing but they seem closer to the safe point. As the minutes pass they get closer to this helicopter. My heart races as they board just as their last friend tries to get in and zombie drags him out. "Go on without me!" he yells and gets eaten by three or more zombies. I gasp and put the blanket up to my face. Jake notices and pulls me closer to him, my head now under his chin, my body ontop of his, he has his arms around me trying to be protective, he also has his legs around me and the blanket is only on our legs. I blush more now.

"You're a fraidy cat.. but you're my fraidy cat.." He mumbles and the credits roll. Nathan and Ricardo then look over at us to see us like this. I can't help but blush and I pick up the blanket exposing Jake and I to the cold and I put it over my head. Jake just chuckles and hugs me tighter and removes the blanket.

"Stop trying to hide.. they knew." He chuckles and I blush more and I avert my eyes from their direction still beet red. 

"Ricardo.. Pay up.." Nathan says smiling to the taller male.

He groans and does so. My face now almost back to normal.

"You bet on my love life!" I exclaim, holding my hands over my heart.

"You betcha!" Nathan says and chuckles.

I look down and sigh. Then I turn around so that I am facing Jake, the blanket falling on the floor. Criss crossed almost completely off the couch but I kiss him on the lips. He smirks and bites on my lower lip. I pull away blushing and I get up from where I was and Jake chuckles at my action blushing himself. 

"I-i'll be righ-ght back!" I stutter and I run to the bathroom. I open my mouth to scream about Jake liking me but then I notice they will hear so I jump up and down. 

"Oh my god, wait till Erica hears about this!" I mumble and I come back out. I take a seat next to Jake on the couch again this time I put my head on his shoulder instantly. He chuckles.

"You went to scream didn't you.." He says knowing me too well, I just nod.

He laughs and Ricardo and Nathan get ready for bed. Ricardo will sleep on one of the couches, Nathan said he'd sleep on the floor since he is used to it and Jake and I sleep on the other couch togheter. I blush when the arrangments were made. Jake agreed althought. So he takes his pillow and leans it on the arm rest and lays down, he smiles to me. I lay down blushing as he puts his arms around me. I was planing on having nightmares tonight since I am a "scaredy cat" but I didn't have any since I was snuggled up with Jake.


This is a REALLY LONG one! I just had so much fun writing this one.

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