Stretch x Villian!Reader

373 9 1

Episode Name: Tainted Hero.
TW: None


I run to school, late again.

'I swear I set the alarm last night.. or was that the alarm in my head going off in the bank I'm thinking of..' I think as I run to school.

I reach the entrance just in time, I run down the hallways to my class, I swing open the door and everyone looks over to me. I blush in embarrassment. 

"Miss L/N, this is the the twelfth time you've been late to a class." The teacher says rudely.

I groan and sit in my seat. 

"What excuse do you have this time?" The teacher says annoyed.

"I slept in.. again.. for the twelfth time.." I mutter and the teacher scoffs.

"I'll send you to the principal  if you show up late tomorrow." She says and I sigh.

I listen to the lesson and I bolt out of the room once the bell rings so I won't get scolded by her. I race to my locker, but I look behind me and I didn't see the three males in front of me turning the corner. My body crashes into the middle male walking sending us both to the floor, papers scattered and books on the floor, which are mostly mine. I held my head and I gasped at what I did. 

"S-sorry! I'm so so so-orry!!" I mutter as I start to clean up all the papers and books, the ones I recognize as mine I put into a pile.

The male chuckles at me and helps me clean up, his two friends leave him with me as we collect our work. I didn't look to the male until now and something about him seemed familiar.. like I've seen him somewhere.. I just shrug it off and once I have all my stuff, or so I thought, 

"Bye!" I yell racing off to class. 

Jake's POV

I tried to call out to the H/L H/C haired girl, but she left so quickly she didn't hear me. I sigh as I hold her book in my hand, it was labeled 

'Private Writings: Owner of Y/N L/N,

If found please return to me at second lunch.'

I chuckle at the hand writing on the front, I put it in my bag and wait for second lunch to start.

~Time skip~


I sit alone at the tables searching for my writing book, but I can't find it. 

"Looking for this?" The male from earlier asks.

"Oh! Thanks! I was! God I was going to lose it if someone.. read it.. You didn't read it right!" I say embarrassed and worried.

He shakes his head and I breathe out the air I didn't know I was holding.

"I didn't get you're name before.." I mutter and he smiles.

"I'm Jake, Nice to see you again Y/N" He mutters and leaves.

"H-how did he know my name..." I look to my book, 'maybe from this' I think.

I nod and the bell rings, I go to my last boring class and I wait until the bell rings.

~Time skip~ 

I sit at home and I look around swiftly before I change into my suit. I open my window and I jump out into the alley, I grab the edge of the fire escape and I run up it. I got from my roof and I shoot my grappling hook onto a building near by. Flinging me into the air I retract the hook and I shoot it again being flung higher, I repeat this process until I can activate my wings to fly me to the nearest lab to get some upgrades for my wings. I land on a Rook facility, I place a bomb and I click the button as I walk away it explodes when I was at a safe distance and I back flip into the hole it made. I use my scanner to scan the room for something I can use for an upgrade. Some type of flexible material shows up on it. I run over to see the Flex Fighters.. and Stretch. I groan. 

"Hey guys." I mumble with my voice changer on. "You know I'd love to stay but I need to get something soo."

I drop a smoke bomb and I flip over them, I grab a canister full of the stuff. I attach it to my back and my wings wrap around it. Once the smoke clears they look around for me. I giggle disappearing into the shadows. It echoes in the facility and I jump out from a ledge in the room kicking the green one in the face. He falls to the floor, then the red one tries to smash me but I dodge it with my rocket boots on making me glide across the floor easy.  He groans, I flip landing on him, I wrap my legs around his neck and I swing my body back slamming him into the ground. He lays there unconscious and the green ones dives at me. I wait till he is close enough and I grab his hand making him spin around me, I slam him on top of the red one. I look around for Stretch..

'God I need to get over him.. He is a superhero and I'm a villain..' I think and he takes this chance to wrap his arms around me. 

I growl, blush dusting my face, unseeable by anyone due to my mask. I wiggle trying to break out of his grasp. Then I hear one of the buttons on my wrist being pressed. I gasp as my swords pop out accidentally hitting him in the face with the handles. I twist once more now that he is dazed and he lets go. I grab my swords and I swing at him, he dodges and I flip my sword walking toward him, catching the handle. He seems to blush but it was dark so I couldn't really see in the moon light. I place one of my swords back into the holder, I grab some shurikens and I throw them at him pinning him to a nearby wall. I get really close to him blushing myself. I remove my mouth piece. I kiss him on the lips. I place it back on and I chuckle. 

"See you around pretty boy.." I stay hitting him over the head with the handle of my sword. Making him unconscious as well.

I activate my rocket boots to float me up to the roof. Then they stop since they can only carry me so far. Which is why I have the wings. Once I make the wings fully working to make me fly up and not just "glide" me then I won't need the boots. I race home and I make sure the set the alarm this time. I flop onto the bed and I drift off to sleep forgetting to remove my suit other then my wings and boots.

I wonder what happened to the flex fighters as I do but I don't care anyways.. besides about Stretch.

Jake's POV

I wake up to hear the groans of my team mates, I try to move but I am still pinned by V/N's shurikens. I stretch to grab them off of me. I hiss as I rip them from my arm. 

'I am glad they just nicked me..' I think 

"Hey you guys okay?" I say walking over to them. Me and my suit all beat up along with them.

Then I remember the kiss, the scene replays a few times in my head before Nathan waves a hand in my face. 

"Y-yeah?" I stutter my face flushed.

"We need to go. We still have school tomorrow." He says and I nod, we part ways and I go home using my powers of course. Once I land on the balcony I remove my mask, my suit shrinking into it and I lay on my bed and I think of the kiss over and over until I actually fall asleep. 

'She is just a tainted hero in my book..' I think.


This is a long one. :3 Enjoy~~! See ya'll next week.

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