He Acts Weird (Allies)

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You both quickly bonded over your love for novels and literature and often met with each other at libraries, cafes or even at each other's houses to discuss/read them over a nice cup of tea.  This time, Arthur had invited you over to his place where he owned a massive collection of a large variety of books. You were currently conversing about the plot of (random book but I'll just do Harry Potter cause I can't think of anything else) and you were ranting on about how annoying they made Harry in the movies compared to the books (The first couple movies were good in my opinion but after Goblet of Fire he went downhill, I enjoyed the books more sorry to anyone who the likes the movies better. Editor: I guess the plot kinda became unappealing to some people after.)

"(Random criticism about the movies because the writer is too lazy. Editor: Clearly you like making me suffer...)....." you trailed off, noticing that Arthur was no longer paying any attention to your words and staring off trapped in his own world.

"Hello? Arthur are you even listening to me?? Earth to Arthur...." You waved your hand in front of him which snapped him out of his daze, as he regained composure and focused on his current surroundings. 

"Oh, sorry love um where were we again?" You continued your rant from where you previously left off, but once again Arthur trailed off to his own imagination, which you snapped him out of, similarly to before. 

"Arthur if you're not interested in what we're doing right now, we could always do something else instead." You offered.

"Ohh no it's not that I'm not interested, it's just that..." He quickly thought of an excuse he could use. "Ohh I just remembered that I have to umm...complete some important paperwork today." He lied, standing up and pushing you out off his house. 

"Ohh wait Ar-" but before you could say anything else you were already outside, you sighed in disappointment, hoping that Arthur would be alright and left to return to your own house.


The two of you would often go out to eat and hang out at McDonalds or play video games and watch movies at one another's house. This time Alfred, was at your place and you were both in another of your very 'friendly' yet intense matches of Mario Kart. Alfred was in first place with you in second. He was about to cross the finish line when you threw a blue shell at him making his character dazed and in a confusion, and you were able to pass him, earning yourself first place. 

"OH YEAH!" you stood up doing random Fortnite dances celebrating like an idiot, normally after losing to you, Alfred would challenge you to another match but this time was different. He just sat there staring at the screen, loosely holding onto the controller in his hand.  

"Oh come on Alfie, don't be a sore loser."  You teased but he just continued staring into space, as if he didn't hear your words at all.

"Hey, Alfie? Alfie?" You tried calling out to him, but nothing worked so you had to use your last resort.

"ALFRED F JONES MCDONALDS IS GIVING OUT FREE BURGERS" You shouted into his ear startling him and giving you a mix between a confused and 'WTF' expression.

"Hey, Alfie are you ok?" You asked, concerned about your American friend's current condition.

"Er yeah, sorry dudette I have to go" with that he left your house in a hurry, leaving you confused and worried for your friend.


You and the French man began to hang out A LOT, he would always be helping you find new locations to take photos of for your endless amount of assignments, or for just your own enjoyment. It wasn't unusual if he went off to flirt with nearby ladies or if they approached him. You didn't usually mind, I mean look at him! You had to admit, he was quite the looker and you couldn't help feeling a little jealous when he went up to other women, but today was different.

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